Chapter 10

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Everything went black.

Only for a few moments. I felt two strong arms lift me up off the floor. I couldn't hear or see. Wait? Cole wasn't strong enough to lift me? Who was it?

I woke up to bright walls and beeping noises.

I sat up and looked around. I saw Cole sitting to my left side.

"Cass you're awake." He says smiling.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Well, we were penny boarding down this street and you weren't watching where you were going. You ran into this guy who was also penny boarding. You fell off and banged your head on the floor. He helped me carry you here, he should be back soon, he went to get coffee." He answered

So that's who's arms they were. I was still curious who I hit.

"Am I ok to go?" I ask Cole.

"They said as soon as you woke up you could go. The damage isn't too bad." He says handing me my vans.

I put them on.

"Did you get my penny?" I asked him laughing slightly.

"Yeah." He says pointing to out penny boards which are stood against the wall.

I hear the door open. I turn my head and my heart begins racing.

"KIAN!" I scream and run towards him.

"Cassidy?" He says, taking a look at me.

I take him into a huge hug and bury my head I to his chest.

"I missed you" we both say at the same time causing us to laugh. He wraps his arms around me.

When we break apart, I ask him a question.

"Why didn't you answer my texts?" I ask him

"My phone deleted your number, I couldn't DM you because you wouldn't get it because you haven't been active in over 3 months. I'm sorry."

"It's ok kian. I'm glad I got to see you again. That's all that matters." I say and smile at him.

"Are you good to go?" He asks

"Doc says I can." I say smiling.

"Wait, can I get your number again?" He asks.

"Of course. Dont lose it this time" I say laughing.

We all walk out together after signing the papers saying I could leave.

"So, why are you in LA?" Kian asks.

"Me and Cole just moved here." I says smiling at Cole.

Is see a grin spread across his face.

"That's great. We can hang out sometime then" he says still smiling,

"Yeah sure."

"Cass. Why don't you go now, I'll go to the park or something" Cole says,

"Hey Cole, why don't you come too, I'm sure the other guys would love to hang with you?"Kian asks him

Cole looks at me for am answer.

"Cole, it's up to you" I say laughing

"Sure then" he says laughing too.

*at the O2L house*

We walk inside and all of the guys are sat on the sofas. I freeze. I'm meeting them all again.

"Guys, this is Cassidy and her brother Cole" Kian introduces us.

"We know who Cassidy is, you never stopped talking about her" Jc says laughing.

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