Chapter 48

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A/n so I uploaded this chapter once, but I didn't want it to end just like that. So I rewrote the ending. I'm sorry if you read it and got confused's the proper one


We pulled up outside my house, and got out of the car. Kian grabbed Alexander's carry cot as we walked inside.

"Kiaaaaaaan...can I please see Alex's room now?" I plea.

Kian decorated Nikki's old room by himself, as she moved into her own house with her new boyfriend, Liam. I have not yet seen what is on the inside of the room.

Kian moved in not long after Nikki moved out, and we plan on living here until we find somewhere else, sometime in the future.

"Sure babe, but first...lemme take a selfie" he sings, continuing, and snaps a picture of us and Alex and sets it as his background on his phone. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. He sets the carry cot down and opens the door.

It's beautiful. The walls are a light blue colour, with some cute drawings spaced around. There is a wooden cot in the corner, and lots of toys. There's a changing mat and other essentials too. On the wall behind the cot, 'Alexander' is written in large white writing.

"'s amazing" I smile and hug him tightly.

He brings Alexander in and takes him out of the carry cot, he puts our sleeping baby in the cot. I kiss Alex's head before kissing kian softly.

"I love you" I smile at him.

"I love you too..I have one more thing to show you" he smiles and leads me downstairs. I see Connor sat on the sofa, smiling.

"Connors babysitting for a while, that's not the Suprise" he laughs. He heads outside and we get in My car., yes my car, I passed my test and bought a blue mini.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Out" he chuckles.

"You should have said, I would have dressed nicer" I sigh looking at my grey skinny jeans and white crop top, along with my white vans.

"You always look good" he smiles and rubs small circles on my thigh with his thumb.

Minutes later we pull up outside Panera.

he smiles and leads me towards the building. He stands outside, I stop next to him. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around to be greeted by a middle age man. He has short black hair and green eyes. Then it hits me.

"Dad?...Dad!" I shout and run at him. I throw my arms around him and he wraps me in a hug.

"Hi! I missed you" I whisper.

"I missed you too baby girl. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm great dad, how are you?" I smile widely at him after I pull away from the hug.

"I'm good, I think you should fill me in on some things" he smiles as we walk into Panera. I turn to tell kian, but find he's not there. I search for his car, I spot it, but kian isn't there, he left. Maybe he's giving us some privacy.

"So, let's get started" Dad smiles as we take a seat.

"Well, Kian, who you just met, is my boyfriend..I just had a baby, named Alexander Lawley..I have my own house..I don't think I'll be getting my dream job anytime soon, but I think we will be okay" I smile. "What about you?" I add.

"Well, I got married to a lovely woman named have a step brother, he's 17 and his name is Jamie, you also have a little step brother and sister, they're twins, age 5, their names are Harry and Hannah. you should visit sometime" he smiles.

"I would..maybe I will..someday" I smile.


We catch up on some stuff before he leaves again. I'm not sure where he went from there, but he left. I walk back to my car and start driving home. I put on some music and roll down the window.

The sun shines bright in the sky. The breeze is cool and refreshing on my face. The clouds in the sky all look calm. LA was peaceful for once. It seemed as if the whole world had stopped for just a few minutes. I liked it this way.

I decided to take a detour and head to the lake for a while. I hop out of my car and walk over to a small bridge that hangs over the lake. I sit down on the edge, behind the rail with my feet hanging over the edge.

I text kian and let him know I'll be home later on before turning off my phone and sliding it into my back pocket. I watch the water flow slowly over the rocks and I watch it speed up as it approaches a little waterfall.

"Cassidy?" A male voice breaks the silence. I look over and a smile appears on my face.

"Hey Liam" I smile as he sits next to me.

"I haven't seen you in so long" he sighs.

"I know, how are you, how is college? How's Nikki?" I question.

"I'm good, college isn't great if I'm honest. I'm failing most subjects Nikki's great" he sighs. "How are you?" He adds.

"I'm great, I've just had a baby" I chuckle, I can trust him.

"Awh, can I see him or her?" He asks.

"Him, his name is Alexander. Maybe some other time, we've only just got home, I just got a visit from my dad" I smile.

"That's cool with me, and what did he say?" He asks.

"Not a lot really, we just caught up" I smile.

I leave about an hour later. I get back in my car and start driving in silence. I arrive at home just as it starts to get dark

I'm in awe as I let myself in and spot kian laid on the sofa with Alexander on his chest. I can't contain the cuteness,

"Awwwww" I break out a huge smile.

Kian chuckles lightly and shuffles over so I can sit next to him. I slide onto the sofa and he lays his head on my lap. I play with his hair for a while before leaning down and planting a kiss on his lips.

"I love you Cassidy, you know that right?" Kian whispers as Alex is asleep.

"Yeah..and I love you too, you know that right?" I smile.

"Mhm," he smiles and leans up to kiss me.

"I honestly couldn't with for a better life" I smile.

"Me neither" he replies.


A/n Omg guys, I'm working on the first chapter of the sequel right now, but I need a title. I honestly can't wait for you guys to read the sequel, I'm so exited..but first, I'll let you read the epilogue:) I love you all so much and I can't wait to see you again:)

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