Chapter 6

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*Buzz. Buzz. Message Recieved. Buzz. Buzz*

I opened the message and I was relieved when I saw it was kian. Wait. Kian messaged me again? What could it be?

From: Kian.

Cassidy. I need to see you. Can I come visit before I leave today?

Woah. He wants to see me again? Why.

From: Cassidy.

Yeah. Sure. I'm just on my way back home, I should be about 10 minutes. Do you want to come now?

I waited for a reply. I swallowed hard because I didn't know what to do. Was it bad? Was it good? So many thought were running through my head. Was it about my past life? I had no idea.

*Buzz. Buzz. Message Recieved. Buzz. Buzz*


I'll be there for 12:30. What's your address?;)

Winky face? Seriously. This boy is sending mixed signals.

I sent kian my address. I was exited that I would see him again, but scared it could be bad.

We arrived home. Chelsea dropped me off at my house and I grabbed my vans bag and walked inside. I grabbed the key out of the pot and let myself inside.

Cole would be home around 6pm and mom was out, as usual.

I grabbed a can of Arizona tea and sat on the sofa. I logged onto twitter and checked my notifications.

@kianlawley mentioned you in a tweet.



I met the most amazing girl last night. She's such a strong person and has an amazing story. @CassidyRiversx

There were a few others from my followers telling me to have a good time at the show. and others said to give kian their username, which I didn't.

A while later, kian arrived, alone.

I watched throught the window as he pulled into my drive, stepped out of his car and walk to the other side. He was then out of view so I waited for him to knock.

*knock knock*

I answered the door and there stood kian lawley, wearing a red and white striped tank top and black skinny jeans. He had black vans and a SnapBack on.

From behind him, he pulled out a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. How sweet was he?! I thanked him and invited him in.

I gave him a big hug and he kissed my cheek.

"What are these for?" I asked him, smiling as I invited him inside.

"You are such an amazing person Cassidy. Your so strong and I'm glad you found me before you had the chance to, you know... I think your beautiful, sweet, amazing and you are truly inspirational. I wanted to come see you to tell you that you are the strongest person I know. " he said, smiling at me.

"Thank you kian. I'm so grateful for you. I'm so glad you made YouTube, because that's what saved me. You are the most amazing person I know. Thank you kian."


"Call me Cass" I butted in, smiling.

"Cass. I want to stay with you, to know you're ok, but I have to go on tour. Then I'm moving into a new house with the guys. I might never see you again..." He says. Scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh. I want to stay with you too kian, but you've got to do what you've got to do. I'll be fine. Mom still drinks, and I've still got Cole, and all, but I promise. I'll be fine." I say smiling.

"Are you sure? You can always call me and I'll be there. I really wish I could stay but I-"

"Kian, I'll be fine. I'll call you if things get bad. I'm sure they won't get that bad again."

"Okay. I'll miss you, even thought I only met you last night." He says laughing slightly at the end, but I can tell there's tears forming in his eyes.

I gently wipe his eyes and stroke his cheek.

"I'll miss you too kian. I love you."

"I love you too Cass, I wish you the best Cass, I really do."

" you too kian, I'll always be here." I say. Smiling softly.

"Okay..well." He says gently drying his eyes and pulling himself together. "I should get going. I'm really going to miss you. You've always got my number. I'm always a phone call away."

"I know kian. I'll miss you too." I say as he pulls me into a hug.

When we pull apart, he smiles at me before walking slowly to the door.

"Bye Cassidy. I love you so much."

"Bye Kian. I love you too." I say smiling.

That was it. He left. I may never see him again.


A/N rubbish chapter but I wanted to update for you. I'm sorry if there's mistakes because I rushed but I tried...I love you guys so much. Hope you liked it

Who wants a Kian p.o.v?

Love you guys.

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