Chapter 39

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I pull on some white skinny jeans and my white sweater on and head downstairs to the cafeteria for breakfast. I order some orange juice and an apple. I take a seat in a corner booth and turn on my phone. I feel bad about all the unread messages and missed calls.

62 messages. 54 missed calls. 326 twitter notifications.

That's going to take a while to get through.

I start reading the messages when someone sits in the seat across from me. I don't even want to know who it is. I just keep reading occasionally taking a sip of my drink.

"Cassidy" the voice says. It's a male.

I look up and see Sam.

"Hey,are you okay?" He asks in a steady but quiet voice.

"I will be, when I move on" I tell him. "Why are you here? How did you even find me?" I ask.

"I've searched all the nearest hotels. They told me you were here, I am" he replies.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I need you to come back with me. Something's really wrong with Kian. He's my best friend, I know when something's wrong with him, and that's now. He got worse than ever last night, he wouldn't answer any of us. He hasn't left his room, he wouldn't even come out of his room to perform in the show, we had to say he was sick. Cassidy, kian wouldn't bail on us unless something was really wrong" he tells me.

I feel like somebody just stabbed me in the chest. Kian didn't show up last night. What if something is really wrong. Kian wouldn't miss a show for anything..but he did last night. I don't want to face him right now.

"Fine, let's go" I say, slightly regretting it.

I leave my things in the hotel room, because there's no way I'm staying with the guys. We get into Sams car and begin driving. After about 20 minutes of silence, we arrive. I get out of the car and head inside, and walk straight towards the room I saw kian in yesterday.

My heart was racing as I got closer to the door. I was still angry with him, but I feel...I don't really know how I feel. The room is in sight, and I see Ricky sat on the floor, leant against the door, his head in his hands.

"Cassidy, you're here" Ricky's face lightens a little as he steps away from the door.

"Can I be alone?" I ask politely.

"Sure, good luck Cassidy"'he smiles weakly and ruffles his flat hair as he walks away.

I take a deep breath before walking over to the door. Should I really be here after everything he's done? I don't know, but I'm here now.

"Kian" I say, but it's barely a whisper.

I clear my throat.

"Kian, it's Cassidy" I say softly, but a little louder.

A few moments pass. I hear shuffling inside the room.

"Kian" I say.

The door creaks open slightly. Kian's face appears in the slot between the door and the frame. He looks...a mess. His newly dyed brown hair is a tangled mess. His cheeks are red and puffy. He's wearing creased sweatpants and a hoodie. He's hunched over and he looks like he hasn't slept.

I know it's wrong. But I pull him into a hug. I take in the feeling of being with him. I know he has done wrong, but right now, he needs me, and I need him.

"I'm sorry Cassidy" he whispers.

"I'm sorry too" I whisper back.

I pull away from him and wipe the tears from his cheeks, and then my own. I look at him and walk inside. The room is a mess too. There's a hole in the wall by the side of the bed. The sheets are messed up and hanging onto the floor. There are clothes all over the floor like he's thrown them around.

There's a smashed glass bottle in one corner. He's been drinking too, he can't have had much because I can't smell alcohol on him.

I watch as he sits on the bed, and I take a seat next to him. He looks at me and I look back.

"I'm such a bitch. I caused this, didn't i?" I ask.

"No..I'm just..I don't know" he whispers. I take his hand in mine, before standing up.


A/n, I love this story...I'm thinking...SEQUEL???? Not that this story is near ending. Because it's not. I've got so much to write in this story, but I would like to write a sequel, so I need some ideas:) love you all:)

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