Chapter 11

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A/n Cassidy is 18 so she has finished school but she's just moved to LA so she will be starting college in a week or so.



I was woken up by my ring tone.

'Ricky got Sass, Sam got Love, Trevor got them notes from above, Connor got the giggles and Kian is a pro and Jc is from Texas. Toni-'

"Hello?" I asked. Rubbing my eyes.

"Hey babe, wanna come over? I have a surprise for you."

It was kian.

"Um, sure, what time is it?"

"It's 12.30. Have you only just woken up?" He asks.

"Um, yeah. I didn't even realize. It must be the time zones." I say laughing at my sorry excuse for being lazy.

"Yeah yeah" he says laughing.

"I'll be over in about an hour."

"Okay, do you want me to pick you up?" He asks.

"No, I'll be okay, I'll take my penny board." I tell kian.

"Is that a good idea? You know what happened last time." He says breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"Shut up. That was your fault too. I'll be fine. Shall I bring Cole?"

"Yeah, the guys are going penny boarding, maybe he might like to go with them?"

"I'll ask him."

**** convo with cole****

"COLE. WANNA GO HANG WITH THE GUYS?" I shout to him, he will be up, he's normally up early anyway.

"SURE." He shouts back.


"He says yeah. I'll be over in an hour."

"Okay, bye babe." He says.

"Bye kian, love you."

"Love you too."

I end the call and drag myself to the bathroom. I take a shower and pick out an outfit. I choose a pair of ripped denim high waisted shorts, a light pink layered crop top and my white vans. I straighten my long black hair and do my make up.

I keep it natural, with light foundation and just add winged eyeliner. Once I'm ready I grab my white vans bag and put my phone and some emergency makeup into my bag. I also take my iPhone charger just in case.

I skip down the stairs to be meted by Cole. He's wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black tank top. He has his hair in a quiff and no SnapBack.

"Ready?" I ask him

"ready." I reply.

(Tfios xD)

We grab our penny boards and leave our home. I made sure to pay attention to the road this time. The journey takes us about 15 minutes.

Once we reach the O2L house we pick up our penny boards and ring the buzzer.

"Kian. It's Cassidy."

"Ok, come in."

The gate opens and we walk through. We see the door open from further up the drive.

"Cass" Kian squeals like a little kid.

He comes running up to me and plants a sweet kiss on my lips before taking my hand.

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