Chapter 33

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Today is Wednesday. It's finally the day I get to meet Nikki and let her stay with me until Saturday, when she decides If she wants to move in. I kanda hope she does because I could really use company now Cole moved out and Kian is gone.

I hear my phone beep from the counter, indicating I have a message.

I'm about 5 minutes away girly😘

Kk Hun😘

I have texted her a lot throughout the last two days. She seems like a really nice girl and I would love for her to stay. About 5 minutes later she knocks on the door. I quickly check my outfit in the mirror.

I'm wearing White high waisted shorts, a plain green Crop top and my green vans. hair is straightened and my make up is natural.

I open the door and pull Nikki into a hug. Her blonde hair is curled and reached her waist. Her brown eyes are lined with eyeliner and mascara, and her makeup is light, making her look beautiful. She's wearing black shorts, a white tank top and white nike airs.

"Heey" she chirps.

"Hey" I smile and let her in, helping her with her bags.

"Cassidy, just before we do anything, I want you to know that I am not, or will ever use you just to meet the guys. I generally think you are a lovely girl" she smiles.

"I never looked at it like that, I believe you anyway" I smile back.

I carry the few bags upstairs and into Coles old room, which is now painted white. There is a single bed in the corner, with purple sheets on it. There is a white desk opposite the door, with some stationary on. There is a bathroom, and a closet too.

"This is amazing, thank you Cassidy" she thanks me and puts her belongings away.

"Please, call me Cass" I smile at her. "I'll be in my room" I add.

I head towards my room and grab my laptop, loading up skype. I call kian, knowing he's free at this time. He picks up after a few rings.

"Hey babe" he greets.

"Hey Ki" I smile. "How's it going?" I add.

"Good so far, it's a lot of fun. How's it going back home?" He asks.

"Good...Nikki's here" I smile and he smiles back.

"Is she cool?" He says casually.

"She's sweet, she's just unpacking now" I smile.

"I miss you" he says, changing the subject.

"Me too Ki. It's hard already, how am I supposed to last for just under 5 months?" I chuckle lightly.

"You'll make it, you've got Nikki to keep you company," he smiles widely at me.

"I guess" I sigh.

"I should go, we need to rehearse" he smiles and blows a kiss. " I love you Babe" he adds.

"Love you too" I say, pretending to catch the kiss and put it over my heart.

"Bye baby" he smiles before ending the call.

I stare at the screen, not saying anything. A tear slides down my cheek and I let it fall. I really do miss him. I'm interrupted by a soft knock on my door.

"Come in" I say and Nikki walks in.

"Are you ok?" She asks, walking over to me. "You're crying" she adds and pulls me into a hug. "Tell me" she smiles weakly.

"I just miss Kian" I sigh.

"Ah, tour. It will be fine, he will be home before you know it" she smiles and pulls away, just in time as I run to the bathroom and throw up. Why does this keep happening?

"Cass, are you sick?" She asks, holding my hair back, she then hands me my toothbrush and I brush my teeth.

"Not that I know of. This has been happening since Monday" I say. "I must be coming down with something" I add.

"I don't think you're sick Cassidy. Sudden nausea?" She asks.

"Yeah, normally when I wake up." I add, not knowing what she's getting at.

"Come with me" she says and leads me outside and into her car, which is parked in my driveway. We get in and she begins driving.

I wonder where we're going?


A/n rubbish chapter, I'm sorry. I'm home from my holiday:) I should be updating quite often now, and I've been thinking...this story is going to be soo long, so...I might make a sequel. What do you think? Comment below:) I love you guys:)

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