Chapter 29

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Me and Liam grabbed some Smoothies on the way home. I was still upset that Kian snapped at me. What's gotten into him? Liam drops me off outside the guys house, and I say goodbye as I walk to the door. I knock and Jc answered.

"Hey Good-Looking" he greets.

"Umm..okay. Hey Dude" I reply.

"Kian's upstairs" he informs me "if..that's why you're here" he adds.

"Well. I was, but he seemed angry with me on the phone, do you know what's up with him?" I ask.

"Not really..wanna film a video with me?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure"

"I was thinking of Disney songs from my childhood, and YOU, my lovely lady, can sing them for me" he smiles.

"Sounds good to me" I say and we head to his room to film.

One we finished the video Jc started to edit it and I was going to see what Kian was bitching about. I walked into his room and he was Laying on his bed, scrolling through twitter.

"Hey" I whisper.

"Nice of you to turn up"

"What's up with you?" I demand.

"Nothing's wrong with me." He acts innocent,

"There obviously is Kian, I can't even spend time with my best friend" I snap.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"What makes you suspect I'll just forgive you for that?" I say.

"I said. I was sorry" she says rudely.


"Cassidy. I'm sorry" he says quietly.

"Why kian. What's gotten into you?"

"I'm just going to miss you" he says. I look at him confusedly.

"What do you mean 'your going to miss me'?" I ask.

"Cassidy. I'm going on tour with the guys. We will be gone for over 7 months." I see tears in his eyes.

"And that makes you snap at me because?" I ask, and feel tears forming.

"I didn't mean to, I'm just stressed because I'm going to miss you so bad. Cassidy, you don't know how bad I feel for acting like that earlier, I'm just so stressed at the moment. I'm sorry, please forgive me" he says.

"Kian. It's fine. It's just a bump in the road" I say and walk over, laying next to him.

I kiss him softly and he doesn't hesitate to kiss back. He smiles at me and snuggles further towards me.

"I'm sorry" he whispers against my neck.

"It's okay Ki" I say.

We lay facing each other for what seems like forever. I trace his jawline with my finger and every now and then he kisses me.

"Ki. When do you leave?" I ask.

"September 5th, just under a month." He says.

"At least I get to spend your birthday with you" I smile.

"Yeah" he smiles back and kisses me.


3 weeks have passed. College hasn't been great, but my YouTube channel has really taken off, I'm now at 700,000 subscribers! I was so exited when I found out , I woke kian up by screaming and we got up at 2.30am and went to get Starbucks.

It's now 3 days before Kian's birthday, and I'm going shopping. I had a few little bits I needed to buy for him, and some things for the party we were having.

When I arrived home I stashed the things in my wardrobe and began working on some stuff for him. I took out the small, heart shaped picture frame, and slid in a picture of me and Kian kissing. I decorated the frame and wrapped it up.

I then took out a mason jar, and used dome dye to turn it blue, and put in some stars, and many slips of paper with our favourite things to do with each other.

I then moved onto my next present which I new kian would appreciate.

When I had finished, I decided to plan how things would work on Saturday, which was his birthday.

I knew that he would love it, and I hope he does enjoy it.


A/n I just realized that the last 3 lines sound SO dirty, but that's not what I meant by them lol. Love you guys:!

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