Chapter 30

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" party starts at 8. Must get kian out by 11. Don't forget his presents. Please be a good day. Please" I say to myself as I crawl out of bed to get myself organized. Today the love of my life turns 19, and I couldn't be more exited. I wonder what we will do for my 19th? But I don't need to worry about that, it's not until next year.

I take a shower so I smell nice for later, even though I'm taking another before the party. I jump out of the shower after shaving and washing. I dry off and change into black high waisted shorts, a white crop top and a black knee length cardigan. I curl my hair loosely and apply makeup. I spray on some perfume before getting Kian's presents out from my closet.

It's only 9.30am, so I decide to film my video for today. I sit down on the edge of my bed and turn on my camera that I bought not long ago.

"What's up everyone, my name is Cassidy, and today, is my amazing boyfriend Kian's birthday. So I though I'd just do a little video for him, and I'm going to use some of the happy birthday Kian snapchats you sent me" I smile, as I know I'm going to make some fans day. I film the outro too.

"Okay, if your snapchat was included, I know Kian will love it, if not, I'm sorry, but there's Sooo many and I couldn't possibly,y fit them all in, but I'll be sure to show him them later. I love you all. And I'll see you, next week" I say and point at the camera before turning it off.

I edit it and add in the snapchats. I upload the video and get my stuff ready for today. I put Kian's things in my bag before leaving towards his house. On the way there, I stop at my selected location and drop off one of his presents. I then walk back to his house.

When I get there I let myself in and greet the other guys who are sat around the tv. I'm guessing Kian's still asleep. I walk upstairs and as I expected, he's sleeping. I crawl into bed next to him and kiss him softly, his eyes flutter open and he kisses back.

He smiles widely at me.

"Happy birthday baby".

"Thanks babe" he smiles and kisses me. He gets up and takes a shower. When he comes back out half an hour later, he's wearing black skinny jeans, a white v-neck and black vans. His hair is it's usual messy self, and he has his cologne on.

I walk up to him and kiss him. "Looking good" I add and smile.

"Same to you baby" he says and kisses me. I grab my bag and pull out his presents, there's two small boxes, and one larger one, which I grab from next to the door, as I carried it here.

"Aw thanks baby" he says as he looks at the wrapped gifts.

"Open" I say and smile, he does.

The first one is the mason ajr, full of things we love to do together. The next is a cute, hand decorated notebook, with 200 things I love about him. And the large box, is full of 19 picture frames, like a timeline of pictures from when we met to now, I used 19, because he's 19 today.

"Thank you baby, that's so thoughtful, I love you" he smiles and kisses me.

"That's not all" I add and pull him up from the bed and lead him downstairs.

"Well be back soon" I tell the guys and I lead kian outside. We stroll hand in hand towards the beach. I walk him towards the water, and he stops when he sees a cross marked in the sand.

"Cassidy, that's where-"

"You asked me to be your girlfriend. What's in the middle?" I ask and smile at him as he walks over and picks up a gold ring from the center. Engraved is our names and the day we started dating.

"Kian, where do I start. I remember when we met. I was just an average fan, obsessing over you. When you gave me your number, I swear I nearly fainted. I remember the day you had to leave, the way you looked at me when you told me you were leaving, it broke my heart. Then when I moved to LA and I knocked you over with my penny board, I was over the moon that I found you again. When you asked me to be your girlfriend, I was the happiest girl in the world, our first kiss, boy I remember that, it sent fireworks through my body, I've loved every minute of this journey, and I can't wait to journey on, with you right by my side, I love you kian. I love you so much, you'll never quite understand my love for you. I just love you, so much! So this is my promise ring to you, I know you're the one for me, so I want to give you this to show you that I want us to be together for a long long time"

"Cassidy! You are amazing!" He says and runs towards me, picks me up and spins me around, kissing me passionately.

"I love you so much" he says as he slides the ring on his ring finger.

"Forever?" I ask.

"Forever" he confirms.

We begin the walk back and I tell kian to meet me back at his house. He does , I run to the mall, which is only 10 minutes away, where I pick up his final present. I really hope he likes this one.

I carry the large box back to the house, where I find kian and the guys sat on the sofas, kian opening presents, I carry the large box up to Kian's room and open it. I then head downstairs, closing the door after me.

When kian has finished downstairs, I lead him up to his bedroom and put my hand on the handle.

"Ready for your final present?" I ask.

"Another one? You shouldn't have, but okay" he smiles at me and I push the door open.

A small golden puppy runs up to kian and jumps up and down at him. Kian is stood with his mouth wide open, forming a smile.

"You didn't! Pinch me I'm dreaming" he says and laughs.

"You're not, say hello" I smile as he scoops up the little girly pup and cradles her.

"Hello...Hazel" he smiles and kisses her head.

"You do not know how cute you look" I say as I take a picture of him holding Hazel and upload it onto Instagram.

'Birthday boy and his little pup @kikilawl'

I'm so glad kian liked his presents, I hope he likes the party too


A/n I introduced Hazel:) I cried when I wrote about her because my dog died from cancer a few weeks ago and my other dog has been rushed to the vets, I'm scared guys, if I don't update it's because there was bad news. Fingers crossed guys, I love you:)

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