Chapter 9

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***Kians Pov***

I haven't spoken to Cassidy in what feels like forever. Somehow her contact got deleted from my phone. I was so angry when I found out because I had just lost all contact with her. I should DM her on twitter and ask for her number but she hasn't been active in 2 months.

I decided I should get up. I checked the time. 11am. I got up, took a shower and grabbed some clothes.

I decided on a black tanktop, which had a hood. I paired it with some black ripped skinny jeans and my black vans. I styles my brown and blonde hair, which faded from blue after the tour. I decided to keep it blonde though because I liked it.

I headed downstairs to find Connor cooking breakfast.

"Whatcha making?" I asked him.

"Bacon, toast ,eggs, whatever you want?" He answered.

"I'll have bacon and some toast. Thanks Con da Bon. I replied, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

I logged on to twitter and immediately checked Cassidy's account. No new tweet. Surprising huh? I said, laughing slightly inside. I wish she'd be active so I could get her number back.

I miss talking to her,

***Cassidys Pov***

We had packed everything and our removal van had just loaded all our belongings inside. This was it.

"COLE. YOU READY?" I shouted. He was upstairs checking he had packed everything.

"YEAH" he shouted back.

He came downstairs with his blue vans in his hands. He took a seat on the sofa and laced them up and put them on.

Mom came downstairs.

"Cassidy. Are you sure his is what you want?" She asked.

"More than anything." I assured her.

"I'll miss you" I continued,

"You too cass. Now you take care of Colton.i know this is what you both want, it has been so hard for me Cass, seeing you both pack up and move away, it's breaking my heart. Look after yourself, and Colton. You dont forget, call me when you arrive, and call me whenever you need. Your definitely sure this is what you want to do?"

"I will mom, and it is. It will make both of us happier somewhere new."

"Okay." Tears were spilling down her face now. I pulled her into a hug.

"We'll be fine mom, promise."

"Okay. Colton, come here."

Cole did as he was told.

"You look after Cassidy, be happy Colton, I want you to be happy. I hope you have a great new start over in LA but be careful. I'll come visit for Christmas. " she says trying to stay strong for Cole.

"We better be going" I say, taking Cole by the shoulder,

"Ready little bro?" I say,

"Yeah" he says quietly.

We both grab our cases and head for the door.

"Bye mom, we love you." I say.

"Bye mom" Cole says giving her one last hug.

*1 hour later.*

We were now sat in Starbucks after having gone through security and everything.

I had ordered a caramel creme frap and Cole had a chocolate creme blend. We had around 20 minutes until the plane was due for boarding. We were having a conversation about where we will be living and what it will be like.

I had bought a small house for the time being. I was on my Mac book trying to show Cole the house. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, the required other rooms and a pool out back. The house was already furnished apart from the bedrooms, but mom have us enough money for that.

I still had a lot of money, which came from inheritance. I had around 40,000 left. My great grandma passed away and left her inheritance of 70,000 to me and Cole. Cole gave me his share so we could go to LA.


'Flight 239 to LAX is now boarding* the intercom says.

Me and Cole grab our bags and head to the plane.

We get past the lady who checks the passports and board the plane.

This was it, we were moving.

*3hours later*

(Idk how long it takes)

" we are now landing in LAX airport."

I shook Cole to wake him up.

"We're here" I tell him excitedly.

He gets his bag ready to get off the plane and I do the same.

A few hours later we arrive outside the house. It is quite big but not too big.

We get inside and the moving van arrives, we unload all of the boxes and unpack.


We had finished unpacking and had put our beds and things into the bedrooms.

We had taken a tour around the house but wanted to check out the area too.

"Hey Cole, wanna go penny boarding? We can take a look around" I asked Cole. Who was sat next to me on the sofa.

"Yeah, let me go grab my penny."

He went over to the door where we had a penny board rack which we bought back home.

He had a black board with red wheels and green trucks. Mine was white and had a light pink board with purple wheels and trucks.

I was wearing a pair of night waisted white shorts and a light pink floral crop top. I had on my white vans and my hair was straightened.

Cole had on a pair of red skinny jeans and a white v-neck tee. He had on some white converse and a red SnapBack.

We headed outside and I took my white vans bag so we could go grocery shopping while we were out. I took my phone and me and Cole posted a selfie on Instagram.


Penny boarding with Cole. @ColtonJRivers_

We got on our penny boards and started riding around the town.

We were joking and laughing about something when I lost balance and knocked into sometching hard.

"Cass!" I near Cole shout and I near his footsteps.

I begin to feel dizzy before everything goes black.


A/n long chapter! Okay, so they moved to LA. Hope you liked this chapter, the next one should be a lot better. I'm exited for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading. Love you guys.🍭

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