Chapter 20

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I was woken by my alarm, ringing loudly in my ear. That only meant one thing. I was going back to College after my two weeks of being suspended.

I rolled onto my side to be greeted by a sleeping Kian. I smiled at the sight. He was facing me, his arm draped over my waist. Small snores escaping his soft lips.

I didn't want to wake him, so I slowly escaped from his grasp and got up. I wrote a small note incase he woke up after I left.

To the love of my Life,

Had to leave you for College, I'll miss you. You looked so peaceful sleeping, so I left you in wonderland. I'll try and stay out of trouble. Love you babe.

Cass x

I placed the note on top of his phone, so he would notice it.

I took a quick shower and picked out an outfit. I chose a pair of light wash skinny jeans, blue puma suedes, a plain white tank top, which I covered with a long cream cotton sweater.

I straightened my long black hair and put it into a waterfall braid. I them applied light makeup how I usually do.

I grabbed my blue backpack and put in my textbooks, my phone and my pencil case. I headed downstairs, closing my bedroom door after me.

I picked up an apple from the counter and took a bite. It was 10.35am and classes didn't stair until 11.30 so I had just under an hour. I decided to text Liam, the guy from College.

I already knew he had the same classes because we checked each other's timetables and they both matched.

To: Liam

Hey, are you awake?

From: Liam.

Yeah, what's up?

Me and Liam have become close friends during the last two weeks. I took another bite of my apple and sat at the counter.


Wanna get Starbucks before college?


Yeah sure, what's your address?


(Address.) see you soon:)

I finished my apple and discarded the core into the trash. I grabbed my bag and headed outside, locking the door behind me, knowing kian had a spare key.

I sat down on the step and waited for Liam. When he pulled up I opened the door and jumped in.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy" I dragged on.

"Hey" he greeted.

"I haven't seen you in so long" I tell him. He starts driving towards Starbucks.

"I know, College is boring without you" he says.

We make small talk until we get to Starbucks. We head inside and I'm greeted with the strong smell of coffee. We queue up and order.

"What would you like?" The worker asks.

"I'll have a vanilla bean frap please" I say and grab some money.

"I'll have a pumpkin spice frap please, and I'll pay Cass" he says.

"I'm fine-"

"No, I'm paying" he argues.

"Fine" I huff and head to get our drinks.

"Cassidy and Liam" the worker says and hands us our drinks.

There's a message on my cup.

Cassidy, you're one of the funniest girls I've met, wanna be my Bestie for Everrr?

"Liam. Of course I will" I smile at him.

"Yay" he smiles and wraps his arms around my neck. I laugh at him and slide into a booth.

We drink our drinks and at around 11.15pm we head to college.

The day goes quite fast. That Sarah chick doesn't bother me too much. But I spoke too soon.

At the end of the day, I head outside and begin my walk home, only to be greeted by the one and only, Sarah McBitch.

" look who we have here." She squeals.

"I don't need this" I says and try and move past her.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asks.

"Home" I snap.

"Let me tell you something. Liam is mine. So you, can stay away. I will have him, and I don't need you in my way." She shrieks at me,

"For your information, he asked me to be his best friend, so he's not going to let me go so easily" I reply.

"Bitch. He will be mine." She says

"He won't" I argue.

"Why would he like someone with scars all over their body?" She snaps.

"Do NOT bring up my scars. They are in my past." I snap back.

"Pshh. I'll do what I want" she argues.

I push her back and storm past her.

"Bitch." She shouts as I walk away. Tears sliding down my cheeks.

It was happening again.


A/n okay, chapter. Sorry it's been so long. I don't know what to say so I'm gonna write another chapter.

But seriously, 20 chapters? I'm gonna move the story a little faster.

Love you guys.

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