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Female Anchor: Six members of internationally popular idol group, Bangtan Sonyeondan, was reported missing late yesterday afternoon, after both managers, and Bighit CEO Bang Si-hyuk, failed to get in contact with the members when they didn't arrive for a scheduled appearance to promote their newest album.

We now go to Choi Ji-hye at Bighit, where a press conference has just ended, for more information. Ji-hye, what can you tell us?

< Reporter on scene >

Choi Ji-hye: It has not been established yet why the Idol group has been taken, though ransom and sasaengs have been speculated as possible motives.

Male Anchor: Do we know which members where taken, and why one was spared, or how he was able to escape?

< Reporter on scene >

Choi Ji-hye:  All but the maknae, Jeon Jungkook, were taken, as he was absent from the groups schedule due to a doctor appointment following a recent illness. Though Jungkook was at the conference, he didn't speak, however he was extremely emotional. Back to you.

Female Anchor: Thank you Ji-hye. We will certainly keep you posted as new developments occur.

Male Anchor: I have had the pleasure of meeting Bangtan.

Female Anchor: Really?

Male Anchor: Yes, and it was quite obvious they are extremely close to each other. They are more like family than bandmates. Those who are familiar with Bangtan know Jungkook was very young when the group debuted and was practically raised by the other members, so it's not surprising the boy is so emotional. Our prayers go out to their families and their maknae during this trying time.


He was drowning.

The darkness was suffocating, dragging him deeper and deeper into it's darkest depths, further and further, attempting to swallow him whole.

Deeper and deeper he sank. 

He squeezed his eyes tightly shut, hands clasped over his ears, struggling to pull himself back to the surface, out of the all-consuming darkness, but no matter how hard he tried, how close he came to breaking free, it crashed upon him harder, like ocean waves in a storm, pushing him down once again.



"Stop it, stop it." he whispered to himself through his tears. "Go away, go away, go away." 

It wasn't working. Without his lifeline he sank deeper, the waves growing harsher.



He was choking

The darkness growing thicker.

More oppressive.


He felt it, the monster that dwelled in the deepest, darkest recesses of his sub-conscience. It scratched at his mind frantically demanding to be let in. 

To be set free.

He screamed as the weight and pressure of the darkness grew unbearably heavy. His breathing grew ragged from the pressure baring down on his mind. He stumbled forward, scattering the contents on the dresser upon the floor. The banging on his door seemed muffled and far away to his ears as the pressure grew heavier and heavier, the monsters whispers growing louder, drowning all other sound out.

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

He whimpered and trembled.

It was getting stronger.

It was getting harder to fight it.

So hard.

The banging continued, muffled voices yelling at him to open the door, but he could do nothing but drown in the darkness of his mind.



He felt himself slipping.

It was inevitable that the darkness consumed him, swallow him whole. The door burst open as the last of his mind was engulfed in the thick, endless, nothingness, and the monster was finally released, taking him over completely.

It was inevitable that he fell into the dark void, that he fell prey to the monster buried within himself, as the only thing that kept him sane from the darkness of his own mind, kept the monster locked away in an endless slumber, was gone.

They, were gone.

A hand upon his shoulder drew his attention, had him opening his eyes and meeting those of the men behind him. His bright innocent eyes, now holding something...darker. Both men looked into the empty eyes of the boy before them, saw the monster staring back at them through big doe eyes.

The first man, raising his hand to the boy's other shoulder, stepped forward, a silent message passing between them before he finally spoke.

"You miss them, I know, I do too, so I won't stop you, all I ask is that you're careful, I can't lose you too."

The boy smiled brightly, nose scrunching cutely as he did so before leaving both men behind.

"Do you think it's a good idea to let him go in his....condition Pd-nim?" The taller of the two men asked as he heard the front door click shut.

"You know as well as I do Sejin I wouldn't have been able to stop him, the only ones with the power to control him now are gone."

Sejin nodded at the truth of Bang Si-hyuk's words. 

"All we can do now is pray God has mercy on the poor souls who were foolish enough to take the hyungs' of Bangtan, for they shall receive none from the maknae.

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