✳✳ NINE ✳✳

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Minsang stumbled blindly down the seemingly endless pitch black corridors biting back the pain of his two broken arms. The eerie silence heavy and thick, only the sound of his heavy breathing could be heard.

And that scared him.

Minsang couldn't hear him.

No footsteps.

No breathing.

Just endless silence.

The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, the silence and darkness unnerving, frighteningly so. Fear and anxiety coursed through him. He'll never forget the boy's inhuman stare, haunting him still, sending shivers up his spine. Minsang wasn't sure if it was sheer luck he was able to gain his feet and run away, or if the boy allowed him to escape in order to give chase, but he felt hunted.

A light in the distance had Minsang picking up his pace, unaware of the stairs he ran toward at full speed. The tumble down the stairs was so sudden he had no chance to yell out as he fell, hitting every step, end over end, causing greater damage to his already damaged arms. He felt and heard the rest of his body breaking as his ribs cracked. He hit the ground with a heavy thud, one of his legs twisted, blood oozing sluggishly from the wound upon his head. From the corner of his eye he could see the light that drew him, the beam of light starting to dim and flicker.

Minsang managed to somehow get to his feet, despite not being able to use either of his arms and one of his legs, and hobbled his way toward the light as quickly as possible, hoping to use the flashlight before the batteries died. He just needed to orient himself in the surrounding darkness.

He suddenly stumbled, tripping over a large unseen object at his feet. Minsang let out a hiss and grunt of pain as he hit the ground for the third time that night, his shoulder hitting the flashlight, turning it slightly, the fading light now shining in his face, human instinct making him look back at what tripped him.


His dead body lay at Minsangs feet, a pool of blood puddled around his neck and head, his lifeless eyes staring into Minsangs own. Minsangs breathing quickened and became ragged, his heart beating ever faster, pounding in his ears, and chills ran down his spine.

He tore his eyes from Beom-soo's lifeless stare and attempted to gain his feet, his survival instincts screaming at him to run, but he couldn't make his body work. He was lightheaded, both arms broken, the right still bleeding freely from the bone protruding from the skin, cracked ribs that made it hard and painful to breathe, a gash on his head, and a sprained ankle, still, the adrenaline pumping through his veins drove him to ignore the pain screaming through his broken body and save himself. 

The light flickered and sputtered one last time.

"No, no, no, please." he whispered in a panic before the light finally went out.


And a giggle that would frighten the Devil himself.

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