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"Don't worry Mr. Shin, I have your defense well in hand."

"I certainly hope so, considering the obscene amount of money I pay you."

"Trust me Mr. Shin, this is nothing more than a publicity stunt by BigHit to further promote their 'Golden Goose' BTS, and their ever rising popularity, and Sounds of Seoul, being the biggest threat to dethroning their precious seven kings, was set up to take the fall."

"You expect a court to believe that, that BigHit would endanger their prize possession, BTS, not to mention, kill one of their own for the sake of a ' fake kidnapping' as a publicity stunt." Junyeol scoffed. "Not to mention, it doesn't explain the money transfer from my personal account to that of the dead men Bangtan identified as their captors, for payment rendered."

Mr. Yoo Chang waved his clients concern off. "Trust me Mr. Shin, you had nothing to do with that wire transfer. When BigHits little publicity stunt went wrong, they panicked and set out to place the blame on their rival company, on a man who's made no secret of his dislike for their beloved idols, making you the perfect antagonist, framing you for the false crime by fabricating this elaborate story and hacking into your account to further promote your guilt. You're just a victim Mr. Shin."

Junyeol weighted his attorneys words, allowing them to sink in. If they succeed in turning this on BigHit, not only would he be cleared of any wrongdoing, BigHit would lose whatever credibility it had, and best of all, the scandal would ruin the idol group.

It was perfect.

"It's brilliant, IF you can make them believe it."

Yoo Chang smirked. "It's what I do."


Shin Junyeol got a closed trial as, true to his attorneys predictions, an unbiased jury couldn't be found. Despite his calm demeanor, Junyeol was nervous, unlike his attorney who appeared to be very confident and self-assured. As he was in discussion with Mr. Yoo about his defense, the courtroom door opened revealing the seven members of Bangtan, six to testify, one to give support, not to mention his refusal to be separated from the others, their managers, and BigHits CEO, Bang Si-hyuk himself. The door closed upon the reporters outside as they snapped quick pictures, leaving the courtroom in silence once again. 

Junyeol glanced at the so called ' Treasures of Korea' with barely concealed loathing. Those boys cost him millions with their mere exsistance. He lost, not only his position in his own company, but the company itself! Forced out by Won-hyo and the board members, he lost is social standing, his respect. He lost everything, and it was their fault!

His nervousness and fear took a backseat to his anger in that moment. Junyeol could hear the small group of reporters, granted permission to sit in on the hearing, wish the idols luck and swift justice for the horrid crime done to them.

Those brats already had the media on their side.

He clenched his fists in anger as he turned back to the front, leaning toward his attorney.

"This defense of yours better work Chang. Those little shits ruined me. If I can't have them dead, I want them to suffer as I do. I want them to fall, becoming nothing more than a disgusting and disgraceful stain upon Korea, shunned, humiliated, and hated by the very people that once loved and admired them." Junyeol spat hatefully.

Yoo Chang smirked as he patted one of Junyeols tightly clenched fists. "Trust me, when I'm done with them, the entire world will loathe them."

Suddenly the door to the judge's chamber opened, and a woman, who appeared to be in her fifties, and very no nonsense, entered, taking her place on the bench.

"All rise! The Honorable Judge Son Haeyoung presiding."

"I expect noting less." Junyeol mumbled softly as he rose in respect at the bailiffs words.

"You have nothing to fear, I always win. One way or another."

Chang's low muttered response boasted Junyeols confidence as he raised his head and puffed his chest out in arrogance and pride. 

"You may be seated." As everyone retook their seats, the judge skimmed over the case file before her. "How does the defendant plead?" She asked without raising her head from the file.

Yoo Chang stood and announced loudly and clearly, "Not guilty, Your Honor."

Judge Son raised her head as she placed the file down, eyes piercing into Junyeols own, deflating his arrogance and pride quite a bit, leaving him gulping in the nervousness and fear that immediately returned to the forefront of his mind with that single solitary stare.

"Let us begin."

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