✳✳ ONE ✳✳

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Namjoon slowly blinked his heavy eyes open, slowly and gently shaking his head, clearing the haze from his mind. From the corner of his eye he saw the others begin to awaken.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"I'm okay."


"H-hyung, what...what's going on?"

The door to the room suddenly opened, revealing two men in the doorway.

"Ah, Bangtan Sonyeondan, it's an honor to meet world-class stars such as yourselves."

The guns at both mens hips didn't go unnoticed by the six boys.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed.

Jimin and Hoseok looked scared.

Taehyung's face had gone blank.

Jin's face was neutral, but his hands gripped the armrests of the chair he was tied to tightly, knuckles whitening.

Namjoon's face was calm, though inside he was anything but. "Who are you?" 

"My name is unimportant, instead let's talk about why you're here shall we."

The second man, roughly the size of a small bull, lifted the laptop in his hands, opening it to a video clip ready to be played. The first man pressed play, starting the video that revealed itself to be about them.

The video was a compilation, a summary of their career. News stories, to the American talk shows, the numerous awards won, from the Korean award shows to American, such as Billboard, People's Choice, and AMA's. A compilation of celebrities, both foreign and domestic, fawning over and praising them, clamoring for photos and autographs, eager to meet and collaborate with the popular boy band. The UN speech also made the video, as well as being presented one of a kind watches and medals from president Moon himself, to the net worth of the members individually and as a group, the wealth they bring to their company, and the recent news of the bigger music companies stocks dropping drastically due to Bangtan's growing popularity and fame.

Once the video ended the man waved his bullish friend away as he addressed the captive idols. 

"You've pissed quite a few people off, earning yourselves some very powerful enemies in the industry, and I have been hired to...eliminate you as competition."

"That's what this is about, jealousy and money?"

"Isn't it always?" the man responded with a light laugh. "Fortunately for you we aren't quite ready for you yet, so we have time to...get to know each other better." He said the last bit with a lick of his lips as his gaze turned and lingered on Jin, which wasn't unnoticed by Jin or the others.

He loomed over the boy, gently running his fingers over Jin's cheek and down his neck. 

"You are even more beautiful in person." he whispered in Jin's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Jin turned his head away, squeezing his eyes shut tightly at the man's actions and  words. 

The man chuckled before stepping back from the scared boy. 

"It won't be long before we find out just how bulletproof you really are."

With those final words, they were left alone.

Once the door closed Namjoon turned to his hyung.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

Jin opened his eyes, meeting his leaders worried ones. "I-I'm fine." he whispered as a single tear escaped his eye.

Sniffling was heard, drawing everyone's attention to Taehyung.

"Tae don't cry, it's gonna be okay. As long as we're together, we'll be okay." Jimin said softly to the boy beside him in an attempt to calm him down, though he wanted nothing more than to cry himself.

"I-I'm scared."

"It's okay Tae, we're all scared." 

"I don't want to die." 

"We're not going to." Yoongi stated, drawing everyone's attention to him. "Jungkook is still out there." 

Those words were all it took to dim the fear of the five other boys', to dry Tae's tears.

"You're right, Jungkook will come." Tae said with absolute confidence, no shadow of a doubt to be seen.

The others nodded at Taehyung's words, the same confidence upon their faces. After all, Tae was right, Jungkook will come.

It was a certainty.

Perhaps they won't escape this experience unscathed, but they won't die, Kookie wouldn't allow it.

All they had to do, was wait.

Their maknae was coming.



Male Anchor: The body of Bangtan Sonyeondan's driver was found at the back of a dead end alley hidden behind a dumpster. Cause of death has yet to be released. It has officially been fourty-eight hours since Bangtan's disappearance. Bighit continues to work with law enforcement to find the idol group. Bang Si-hyuk has stated they will continue their search efforts until the boys are recovered. 

When asked about the only remaining member, maknae Jeon Jungkook, he stated that Jungkook has been moved to a safer location, and remains heavily guarded until further notice.

Female Anchor: With Bangtans recent kidnapping, other companies have doubled security for their idols as a precaution. Our thoughts and condolences are with the victims family...


"Ah, Mr. Shin, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

-caller speaking-

"Ah yes, the driver. I heard his body was found. You needn't worry, his body was meant to be found. Remember, the abduction is to appear as if sasaengs or antis are to blame, in fact, we found antis perfect for our needs, we are in the process of setting everything up. It won't be much longer now before you are rid of them permanently."

-caller speaking-

"Yes, I'm aware I have only six of the seven members, but I wouldn't worry about the boy, he's no threat. Besides, without the other six, he's nothing. He can't be Bangtan all by himself, now can he? Everything's under control and going according to plan. All you have to worry about is how to spend all that money you're going to make with Bangtan gone for good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have guests to entertain."

Ending the call, Lee Minsang rose from his chair, a smirk upon his face, as he made his way to the room that held Bangtan prisoner behind it's locked door.

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