✳✳ TWELVE ✳✳

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< News Program >

Female Anchor: Good Evening, we start our newscast with the discovery of two bodies by a group of teenage boys out for a night of vandalism at the foreclosed Seoul Apartment Complex. The bodies were found in an apartment on the third floor. Hyun-Seok is at the scene now.

< Reporter on scene >

Hyun-Seok: Good Evening Jinhwa. I'm here at the Seoul Apartment Complex where the bodies of two unidentified males have been found. I did manage to speak to law enforcement, who would only state the men appear to be between mid 30s to 40s, and that there deaths are ruled a homicide. They have no further information at this time, however, I was able to speak to one of the young men who discovered the bodies. He was clearly shaken and pale, only saying the scene was the stuff of nightmares.


"Seoul Police Department, what is your emergency?"

"Please, send h-help."

The voice was soft and weak.

Almost a faint whisper.

"Sir, can you tell me where you are?"

"I-I don't k-know." came the teary reply.

"It's okay. Can you tell me what happened?"



"I-I'm so t-tired."

"Sir stay with me, we've traced your location and a unit is on it's way okay, just stay with me a bit longer. Can you tell me your name?"

"K-Kim Seokjin."


The blaring of sirens could be heard in the distance, growing louder as they drew closer.

It was music to their ears. They finally allowed themselves to cry, what was once tears of fear, were now tears of relief, of happiness.

Finally, they were free.

They were going home.


Jin let his arm fall to his side, Minsangs cell phone clasped lightly in his limp hand, the last of his energy gone, the drug Minsang used on him still coursing through his bloodstream, eating away at his energy and strength, as he used his final reserves to leave the room that held his members captive for so long, him as well, when Minsang wasn't...well, he'd rather not think about that, and slowly, weakly, make his way to call for help.

He didn't have the strength, dexterity, or coordination to untie any of the others, and Kookie wasn't an option, for obvious reasons. Jin was the only one left unbound, since he was kept sedated, leaving him weak and lucid, unable to fight Minsangs...advances, much less escape, however, without the regular dosing he received, he was slowly regaining strength, though not much, it was enough to get him on his feet and heading towards the room he knew Minsang used as an office of sorts, where Jungkook said Minsangs cell phone could be found. He had made sure it was in easy reach of his hyung before he left.

The distant sounds of sirens was like a symphony.

Tears fell from his eyes as they grew heavier and heavier.

They were free.


"Free." Jin whispered before exhaustion claimed him.


Jungkook watched the bright lights illuminating the night with it's reds and blues as police cruisers and emergency vehicles swarmed the abandoned hospital that kept his hyungs hostage for so long, the high pitched sirens like trumpets of victory.

The Calvary had arrived.

It wasn't until he saw his hyungs escorted out of that hellish place, that Kookie, bright smile upon his face, allowed himself to walk away, disappearing further into the dark silent shadows of the woods.

He hated leaving his hyungs behind, but he knew he couldn't set them free without it looking suspicious, nor could he be found among them, he had no choice.

He had to leave.

He had to wait a bit longer.

Soon his hyungs will be in his arms again.

It was time to go home.

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