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Female Anchor: A shocking defense put on by Shin Junyeol this morning, who has plead not guilty to the charges of conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder, and his attorney Yoo Chang, who left the courtroom speechless as Mr. Yoo defended Mr. Shin by proclaiming the entire incident to be a hoax and publicity stunt put on by BigHit that got out of hand, accusing the entertainment company of attempting to shift blame by framing his client. 

It is not yet known if this conspiracy theory of attempt at shifting blame to BigHit will prove successful for Shin Junyeol, but one thing is certain, it is definitely a bold and risky move. We will keep you updated as  more information about the trial comes in.

Male Anchor: The men found brutally murdered in the Seoul Apartment Complex has been confirmed to be linked to, the man found dead in Bangtans recovered vehicle, and the men BTS identified as their abductors, all of which were also found dead. Police cannot confirm or deny any further information at this time as it is still an open investigation, only stating that any and all information and evidence is being sent to the judge overseeing the trial.

When asked if they had any idea as to who murdered the men and if it was connected to BTS' abduction, the authorities stated that although they have yet to discover any clues as to who is behind the deaths of these men, they do believe the murders were committed by the same person or persons, however, they refused to comment as to whether or not the murders are connected to Bangtan's case.


Yoo Chang sipped at his whiskey as he went over the paperwork for Mr. Shin's case. He couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips as he remembered the shocked expression of everyone upon hearing his defense, the loud gasps, the furious scratching of pencil on paper as the reporters hurriedly scribbled down notes. He could only imagine the shocked faces of the idols, not to mention Mr. Bang himself at the accusation. He was certain if couldn't get a not guilty verdict, he could at least get his client off  due to reasonable doubt.

Chang stood from his chair and headed to the sidebar, refilling his drink as he savored the memory, completely oblivious to the shadow behind him.


Junyeol awoke to the sunlight filtering through his bedroom window and headed to the master bathroom. After performing his morning routine in preparation for another day in court, he made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

As the coffee brewed Junyeol tried to call Chang, but after ten rings, was sent to voicemail. Before he could try again, the coffeemaker signaled the end of the brewing process. Setting his phone down,  he poured himself a cup of the hot, strong, black liquid before heading across the large open space to the living room and to the large window overlooking his extensive backyard.

Taking a sip of his coffee, he pulled the string down, drawing the heavy curtains open. Junyeols coffee cup fell from his limp fingers,  crashing to the ground, spilling it's contents on his dress shoes and slacks, the porcelain shattering at his feet. His eyes were wide in shock and fear, a scream lodged in his throat.

Painted on the window pane in big bloody letters was a simple message.

Liar. Liar.

It wasn't the bloody message scrawled across the window that frightened him, at least, not completely, what made Junyeol tremble in utter fear was Yoo Chang hanging from a tree merely inches from the window, his lifeless, soulless eyes staring into Junyeols own, the bottom half of his face missing, a bloody gaping nothingness were his jaw should've been, a massively thick trail of blood staining the front of the body and pooling at it's feet. 

Junyeol snapped out of his shocked state and ran for the downstairs bathroom on shaky legs, the need to empty his stomach overwhelming him after witnessing such a nightmarish sight. After expelling his stomach twice, Junyeol raised a shaky hand to flush the toilet. He took a few deep breaths before wiping his mouth with  his sleeve and standing on wobbly legs. 

He had to call the police, but his phone was sitting on the kitchen counter, and he'd have to walk passed....

He shuttered at the thought of having to see that horrific sight again,  yet he had no choice, and that made him feel sick to his stomach once again and break out into a cold sweat.

Taking a deep breath, Junyeol stepped out of the bathroom and slowly made his way down the small hallway. Once he reached the end of the hallway he stopped, taking another deep breath before turning to sidestep out of the hallway and into the large open space the living room and kitchen shared.

Junyeol kept his back to the large window as he rushed toward the kitchen as quickly as his sidestepping allowed, he could feel Chang's dead stare burning into his back. Finally reaching the kitchen, Junyeol let out a sigh of relief before he noticed a small gift box sitting on the counter beside his phone.

A box he knew beyond all shadow of a doubt, wasn't there before.

His eyes widened in fear once again, his trembling increasing tenfold as the realization of someone being in his home, may still be so, crashed down on him.

His breathing grew ragged.

His heart felt close to bursting.

He had to leave.

Yet he couldn't move.

It seemed so unthreatening, beckoned him to open it, yet that simple red box frightened him. The ringing of his phone snapped him from his fearful daze as he launched toward it, ready to plead with the caller to send help. His mad dash to answer the phone resulted in him tipping over the box, causing it to open.

The image of Chang's missing jaw and tongue falling out of the box and onto the white countertop with a wet bloody plop was the last thing Junyeol saw before everything went black.

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