✳✳ FOUR ✳✳

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Male Anchor: Authorities have arrested multiple persons of interest in the disappearance of idol group Bangtan Sonyeondan. Very vocal anti-fans, these individuals have made numerous death threats toward the group and members individually on social media. 

Recent photos of the missing vehicle carrying Bangtan the day of their disappearance, as well as personal items of the members, were posted on their social media with the caption 'bye bye Bangtan'. 

We reached out to Bighit who stated they are confident the members will be found and returned to them soon.

Female Anchor: I'm sure army's all over the world are happy to hear that, especially maknae Jungkook, who I'm sure has been missing his hyungs deeply. Let us hope these arrests are the beginning of a happy reunion of the Bangtan family.

We will keep you updated as the case progresses. In other news....


Minsang clicked off the live SBS News feed. Their little scape goats were already in police custody. He couldn't help but chuckle at the obvious fear on their tear stained faces, their continued crying.

Serves them right, the little shits. This is what their need for attention, likes and unhealthy pointless hate towards the idol group brought them. Maybe they should've just stuck to clicking the 'dislike' button and kept their mouths shut.

Oh well, they can always count this as a life lesson.

The views aren't worth it, and karma is a bitch.


Night had fallen .

A moon-less, star-less night.

A night as black as pitch.

Nothing but the sound of crickets breaking the heavy silence.

If he were honest, this place gave him the creeps, and a night like this didn't help ease the creepiness. He wasn't a superstitious man, but he could certainly understand why the locals stayed away, believing the abandoned hospital haunted.

The rustling of leaves came from his left, catching his attention. He scanned the area with his flashlight, free hand rested upon the gun at his hip as he did so. The closer he got to the rustling sound, the louder it became.

A rabbit shot out from the underbrush and quickly scurried away into the trees, disappearing into the darkness.

"Damn thing scared me." he mumbled quietly as he lowered the flashlight. He turned around, a silent gasp of shock and pain escaping his lips as he felt a blade pierce his gut to the hilt, felt it twist in order to create greater damage. He stared wide-eyed at the dark figure before him.

All he saw was the lower half a face in the darkness, a bright toothy smile on it's lips,  just before he crumpled to the ground.

Jungkook watched the man fall at his feet before raising his gaze to the building holding his hyungs within it's decrepited stone walls. He couldn't help but smile happily at the thought of seeing his precious hyungs again.

At least, until the monster within his mind whispered to him, telling him of all the horrible things his hyungs must have endured in there at the hands of those 'bad men'. Such thoughts brought a frown to the maknae's face, the whispers growing louder, echoing around the walls of his mind, the monster looming in it's darkness, practically purring at the thought of feeding it's blood lust a little longer.

Jungkook, invisible in the surrounding darkness, knife, still coated in the blood of his recent kill, in hand, silently entered the hospital, more than willing to give whatever lingering spirits lay claim to this desolate place, some added company.

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