✳✳ EIGHT ✳✳

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Jungkook settled his hyung as comfortably as he could in his leader's hold, stroking Jin's hair fondly as he rose to his full height. Minsang snuck upon the boy from behind, ready to knock him out, raising the butt of his gun, ready to bring it down on the maknaes head.

It all happened so fast.

One minute the boy had his back to him, the next, the wrist of his gun hand was in an iron grip, the gun crashing to the ground from the tightening hold, the bone cracking, while at the same split second, his airway was quickly cut off by a tight, bruising grip around his neck.


Jungkook saw surprise in his would-be attackers eyes as the man gasped for the air his lungs craved yet were denied, as he body slammed the man to the ground by his neck.

Minsangs head hit the hard cement ground with a loud thud, leaving him temporarily dazed, his gun hand severely twisted, bones snapping and breaking before Kookie let it fall limply at Minsangs side.

He couldn't scream from the pain as he still fought for air, his lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. He tried swinging at Jungkook with his good arm but the punch was effortlessly caught in the boy's fist.

The bruising hold on Minsangs neck loosened, allowing his lungs to greedily take in much needed air, practically choking on it with each gasp. He suddenly screamed as his remaining good arm was brutally twisted, the broken bones piercing through skin, the useless limb being tossed aside.

Minsang coughed up the blood that began pooling in his throat, his eyes, wide with fear and pain, met those of Bangtan's maknae.

They were cold.


But they certainly weren't empty.

Something lurked behind the boy's deceptively innocent eyes.

Whatever lay behind those big doe eyes, wasn't human and made Minsangs skin crawl.

Perhaps he had something to fear after all.

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