✳✳ SEVEN ✳✳

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Jungkook cradled his hyung close to his chest, nuzzling into his neck as tears of sorrow and anger fell from his eyes, Jin whispering soothing comforting words into his ears.

"I-I'm okay Kookie, hyungs okay. Shh, don't cry, don't cry."

Jungkook simply held him closer, nuzzling closer, inhaling Jin hyung's sweet strawberry scent.

Oh how he missed it.

He followed the single beam of light to the last room at the end of the darkened corridor, holding his hyung tightly, uncaring of the fact that his shadow was filling the room, announcing his presence to whatever laid beyond the threshold.

He was greeted with the sight of his other hyungs, tied to chairs, the rope ringing around their ankles, legs, wrists, and forearms, preventing any kind of movement. They were all lined in a row facing the door, the light coming from a flashlight that sat on the chair Taehyung occupied. He so badly wanted to run to his hyungs', to hug them, to tell them how much he missed them.

He wanted to cry.

But now wasn't the time.

He knew it, and his hyungs knew it.

No words were spoken as Kookie slowly made his way to Namjoon. The maknae cuddled his hyung one more time, nuzzled into his neck a bit longer and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before gently, and carefully, sitting him astride Namjoon's lap, resting Jin's head on the leader's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his neck.

Now Namjoon was the one whispering sweet nothing's as he leaned his head on Jin's,  whispering soft soothing words in his ear, Jin's soft teary cries breaking all the boys hearts.


Minsang watched the boy set Seokjin upon Namjoon's lap, Jin straddling the leader, leaning on the rappers chest, arms wrapped around his neck, head resting on his shoulder. One would think they were wrapped in a lovers embrace. 

Minsang could practically hear the fangirls screaming at the sight before him. He chuckled internally at the thought before he suddenly grinned when he saw the opening he'd been waiting for.

It was too easy.

 To think, Bangtan tried to lead him to believe that their bunny boy was something to fear.




First, I know I don't usually write notes or messages, mainly because I assume you'd all prefer to read the story without interruption, not because I want to talk to guys, I love and appreciate you all, but I'm writing this one because I wanted to thank you all for being patient with my slow updates. I know I'm usually quick with them, but due to the holiday, I wasn't able to update, as I had no time or privacy to do so, and my depression sent me spiraling into a meltdown. I broke down and cried three times, wishing the holiday would end so I could be alone again. Annnnd I'm rambling. *sigh* Here I am, doing what I said I wouldn't....anyway...let's get back on track...

As I said before, thanks for being patient. Now that the holiday is over, I should be able to update quicker. And I'm sorry if the chapters have gotten shorter. 

Second, I hope you guys are enjoying the story. It is a bit different then what I normally write...I think... It's darker and more graphic at least. 

Lastly, I enjoy reading the comments you guys leave on my work. It infires...holy Suga slip!...that was totally an accident....I mean INSPIRES*types each letter slowly and carefully* me to continue writing. And please, if you have suggestions or questions don't hesitate. As I said before, though I stay silent during the stories, I don't mind talking to you guys at all.

Thanks for listening....or reading...or whatever, to what I had to say. 

Bye, I purple you all.

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