✳✳ FIVE ✳✳

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There it was again.

A long endless scratching upon the walls of the hallway.

Beom-soo drew his gun, clicked on his flashlight, and made his way out to the hallway. He swept the flashlight up and down the inky dark corridor for the source of the scratching.


The scratching grew louder.


Yet he saw nothing.

His grip on the gun tightened.

"Byung-hoon?" he called.


Beom-soo raised his gun quickly, scanning his surroundings again with both, flashlight and gun.


He walked further down the dark hall, scanning.

The scratching seemed to come from all around him, yet he saw nothing. Not a damn thing.


The sound of footsteps and scratching circled him. 


There was nothing there.


The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he recalled the stories of this place being haunted. Beom-soo shook slightly as he continued to scan the darkness around him, trying to convert his fear into anger.

"Where the fuck are you?!"

"Here," came a soft breathy whisper from behind him, caressing the shell of his ear.

Beom-soo swung around quickly, firing off a shot in his surprise and fear.



Beom-soo began to shake harder, whimpering in fear.

It was behind him.

It was like time slowed down. He felt the sharp blade cut cleanly through his neck, through the bone and out the other side, he began choking on the blood pooling in his mouth as it overflowed and began to trickle down his chin, flashlight and gun falling from his limp fingers.

Jungkook pulled the knife free, paying no heed to the dead man falling at his feet in a pool of blood. He simply turned on his heel, turning toward the stairs and making his way to the upper floors, dragging his knife along the wall of the dark hallway, sharpening the blade upon the rough stone as he did so.

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