✳✳ TWO ✳✳

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The boys' had no concept of time as the room they were kept in was constantly dark, the windows boarded, preventing natural light from entering, and they weren't given any form of artificial light either. It was as if their captors were purposefully keeping them in the dark in order to increase their fear.

And it worked.

The ever present oppressing darkness, and their inability to seek physical comfort from each other, certainly added to their fear. The only comfort they could give and receive, were softly spoken words and the knowledge that their maknae was coming for them.

A growl echoed throughout the dark and silent room.

"Sorry hyungs, I'm a little hungry." Tae said sheepishly.

The hyungs laughed lightly, for the first time since finding themselves in this situation, breaking the quiet, somber mood for a moment.

"Honestly, I thought the first one to crack from hunger would be Jin hying." Namjoon said jokingly, causing the others to laugh more before all laughter suddenly died as the door creaked open.

"Hello boys, I do hope you're enjoying your stay."

"Not especially." Yoongi mumbled.

"Well, that is a shame." Minsang said solmenly at the oldest rappers mumbled words before continuing in a lighter tone. "Well, it won't be much longer before you will no longer be forced to suffer my hospitality. But then again, I have been remiss of my duties as host haven't I?" he said as he stalked toward them, stopping before Jin yet again. And just as before, ran his fingers across the frightened boy's cheek.

Jin whimpered at the mans touch, desperate to pull away but unable to do so.

"Don't touch him." Namjoon practically growled.

Minsang smirked as he yanked on Jin's hair, pulling his head back and ran his tongue along Jin's neck, eyes locked onto Namjoon's angry ones before removing a syringe from his back pocket, eyes still on Bangtan's leader, one hand still buried in Jin's hair.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle...the first time."  The last was said in a hushed tone before he placed a kiss on the boys neck as he injected the needle into his soft flesh.

A single tear escaped Jin's eye, a tear filled whispered, 'no', fell from his lips just before the drug took him over. Jin's head lolled to the side, teary, glazed eyes meeting Namjoon's.

Namjoon saw the glazed unfocused look in his hyungs eyes, shining with unshed tears.

"What did you do to him?" he demanded angrily, fists clenched tightly as he watched their captor untie his oldest hyung.

"Nam-joon." Jin called weakly, voice cracking as Minsang lifted him bridal style, walking toward the door.

"Where are you taking him!"

Minsang paused on the doors threshold, turning slightly to face the boys again, a smirk on his lips, maintaining eye contact with them as he slightly lowered his head and kitten licked Jin's lips. 

Yoongi cursed him.

Jimin and Hoseok begged him to not hurt their hyung.

Tae tried to hold back tears, while Namjoon narrowed his eyes at Minsang, his body tense, fists clenched tightly, shaking from surpressed rage as he tried to remain calm.

"If you touch him, there's no escaping the evidence you'll leave behind, not to mention making it difficult, if not impossible, to put the blame on someone else." he stated calmly.

"Perhaps, but who could resist something so beautiful."


He found the car abandoned on the side of a rarely used stretch of road, not easily seen by any drivers that do happen to use said road. Jungkook didn't hesitate to open the unlocked door and get inside, after all, his fingerprints were already all over the place as he was a regular passenger in the vehicle.

Once inside, he closed the door and just sat in the silence, breathing in the lingering scents of his hyungs.

Jimin hyung, who always smelled of freshly baked cookies and rich chocolate.

Hobi hyung literally smelled like a meadow of spring flowers.

Jin hyung smelled of sweet strawberries and cream.

Namjoon hyung of sandalwood and cinnamon.

Yoongi hyung of fresh mint, and Tae Tae hyung smelled of vanilla and warm honey.

He could almost hear them laughing, feel them ruffle his hair. He pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging them tightly as he cried, wanting more than just his hyungs comforting, familiar scents surrounding him. He wanted THEM.

/ Kookie, please hurry /

Jungkook's head snapped up as his hyungs voice, full of fear and tears, echoed through his mind.

He suddenly heard footsteps outside the car.

"We found the perfect antis for our purpose. They've done everything from spreading false information to sending death threats to the members." the voice chuckled. "Can't get anymore perfect than that."

It was silent for a moment as the speaker listened to the person on the other end before speaking again. "I'm about to move the car to the designated location, all I need is for you to send the address." 

Jungkook heard the driverside door open before the man climbed inside. A chime was heard. "Got it, on my way. See ya there."

The man ended the call as he closed the door, tossing the phone onto the passenger seat. He buckled his seatbelt and reached for the radio.


DJ: Welcome back loyal listeners. For those of you just joining us, we are dedicating this hour to Bangtan Sonyeondan. We miss you boys and hope you are returned to us soon. 

The man chuckled as Spring Day began to play.

"Oh don't worry, they will be." he said as he turned the radio up, drowning out all other sound. He whistled, impressed. "Kids' have a nice stereo system, sounds like they're in the car with me."

A giggle from behind him was the last thing he heard before he slumped in his seat, a knife buried to the hilt in the side of his neck.

Kookie pulled the blade free of the man's neck, wiping it clean on the dead man's jeans before grabbing the cell he tossed on the passenger seat, and exited the car. Kookie stood there for a moment, opening the message tab on the phone, grinning at the address inside. 

"I'm coming." he whispered before slipping the phone into his pocket, the lyrics of Stigma echoing around him from the radio as he walked away, leaving the car and dead man behind.

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