✳✳ THREE ✳✳

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The screaming stopped.

The crying didn't.

Taehyung and Jimin continued to silently cry long after Jin hyungs screams ended.

"Kookie, please hurry." Tae brokenly whispered through his tears.

They heard footsteps, followed by the door opening. Two men walked inside dragging a third between them.

"Jin hyung?" Namjoon called to his oldest hyung, who seemed to be in a drugged state,  before yelling out. "What did you bastards do to him?!"

"I must say," Minsang said from the doorway, drawing the young mens attention, meeting and holding Namjoon's gaze, a smirk on his face. "You're a lucky man Kim Namjoon. Your 'princess' is an amazing ride, the boys and I enjoyed him very much."

Namjoon's expression blanked, though inside he raged at what he knew that comment implied. "When Kookie learns of what you've done, he'll have you begging for death before the end."

Minsang scoffed. "I'm not afraid of your pet rabbit."

"You will be."


(Warning: graphic content)


It was everywhere, painted in desperate arcs across the floor and spilling down the sides of the chair. The blood belonged to the dead man sitting in front of him. His mouth hung open in a silent scream and tears streaked through the dirt and blood caked on his face, clothes hanging limply on the dead mans body, tattered and coated with bile, blood, sweat and human waste.

Jungkook turned to the only other living being in the room.

"He was a bad man, he wouldn't tell me where my hyungs are." He cocked his head. "Are you gonna tell me where my hyungs are?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The man's voice was firm, resolute, but the fear was also evident. 

He'd watched as the boy viciously, brutally and calmly carved into his partners chest, breaking his ribs with his bare hands before placing deep gashes directly into his heart. The man had died screaming 'please'.

"You shouldn't lie. Lying is bad. Jin hyung told me so. Little white lies are okay, but you didn't tell a little lie, you told a big one, and that's bad. Jin hyung wouldn't like that."

Jungkook held the knife limply at his side, watching the man's pupils dilate in fear. 

Small beads of sweat started to form as the man saw the boy clench the knife tighter. Though he was expecting it, it still caught him off guard as it happened so quickly. The boy lunged forward, pushing the knife past flesh and muscle, the black hilt lodged against his skin. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself from screaming, blood dribbling down his chin as he had bitten through the tender flesh.

"Where are my hyungs?" Jungkook asked, his tone childlike and innocent.

"I don't...don't kn-"

Jungkook twisted the knife slowly, muscles ripping and tearing as blood started to pour from the wound. The man bit his lip again as Jungkook slowly made a full circle before pulling the knife out, wiggling it, causing more damage to the already ruined muscle and tissue. If he survived this, his shoulder would never be the same.

"Where are my hyungs?" Wiping the blood from his blade, the boy looked over at the 'bad man', who's eyes were glazed in pain. "Where are my hyungs?" he asked again.


The boy picked up a nail and hammer from the tool box he found earlier and set upon the counter within easy reach, and placed the nail beneath the mans fingernail. Their eyes met and the man's breath stilled as the boy swung the hammer and rammed the nail forward, separating the fingernail from the soft fleshy tissue, blood flowing down the rusty nail.

Jungkook struck again, the rusty nail slipping under the now torn, cracked fingernail. The man screamed, blood-filled spittle falling from his lips, splashing across Jungkook's already red-splattered t-shirt.

"Why do you keep making me repeat myself? It's not very nice." 

Jungkook looked at the man, pulling the nail free as blood dribbled from the wound. He grasped the cracked and torn fingernail with a pair of pliers and pulled. The nail ripped free and a scream reverberated around him.

"Where are my hyungs?"

"I- I can't tell you that."

The boy pouted, tears forming in his big doe eyes, his lower lip trembling.


He dug his knife deep into the mans thighs, carving deep gashes into the tender flesh, revealing the bone beneath.

Screams rang out as each gash was made, blood flowing like rivers from each one, joining together to create a puddle at the mans feet.

Six gashes were made.

One for each of his missing hyungs.

Jungkook stepped back and rummaged through the kitchen cabinets behind him and pulled out a container of salt before turning back to his captive again.

"You ever heard the saying, 'like salt in an open wound'?" he asked as he stepped forward once again, the man flinching back in fear. Jungkook opened the container, raising it high over the mans many open wounds, hearing the man whimper just before sprinkling the white crystallized powder on the wounds, watching as the salt seemed to eat and burn through the already mutilated flesh.

Jungkook wasn't surprised when the man threw up. He had been expecting it, stepping back to allow him to spill his bile. It was hot and foul smelling, spilling down the mans chest and wetting his pants. Jungkook wrinkles his nose in disgust. He tossed the empty container aside as the man finished vomiting.

"Tell me where my hyungs are and the pain will end." he said as he picked up a power drill, the high pitched buzzing echoing through the room. Jungkook grabbed the mans hand, holding it still as he slowly drove the drill bit through the top of his hand, through the bone and out the other side.

Blood and bone splattered.

Deafening screams.

"An abandoned psychiatric hospital, Gyeonggi-do, please...no more, please." The man looked at Jungkook, tears spilling down his cheeks.

The boy smiled brightly. "Thank you so much." he said happily as he put the drill down before reaching for one of the guns he had confiscated from them before this torture session began, and pointed it at the mans head.

"Wait, you said y-you'd let me go."

Jungkook shook his head. "I said the pain will end."

"Please...I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Ple-"


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