✳✳ SIX ✳✳

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The gunshot was thunderous in the thick, heavy silence.

The grunting, panting, and pounding of flesh ceased as the shot dragged Minsang from his lustful high, though he didn't release his bruising hold on the drugged boy tied down and sprawled half naked beneath him.


"What the hell?"

Jin smiled weakly, silent tears escaping his red swollen eyes as he recognized the familiar whistle of DNA.

"Jung-kook." he whispered brokenly.

Minsangs eyes widened slightly at Jin before they narrowed. He climbed off the boy, quickly pulled his jeans on and grabbed his gun before rushing from the room.


Minsang stormed into the room housing Bangtan, the whistling growing louder as it got closer.

"He's here."

Though Minsang couldn't see the smirks upon the idols faces in the pitch black room, he heard it laced in those two little words.

"And he will die with the rest of you." he snapped.

Suddenly a scream of anger rang out filling every corner of the hospital, the animalistic sound of it sending chills down Minsangs spine.

"He found Jin hyung."

"Which means he knows what you've done."

"The devil himself can't save you now."


Despite the light in the room, it only dimly illuminated a small corner of the room, leaving the rest in thick darkness, allowing the boy to stealthily slip inside, virtually unnoticed.

A whimper from the far corner of the room reached his ears.


The voice was soft and weak, but carried clearly in the silence, the familiarity of it drawing the boy from the darkness.

At the edge of the dim circle of light, the edges of a rusted bed could just be made out, the silhouette of someone laying upon the worn mattress. As he drew closer, his eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips as he rushed to the bedside. 

Kookie choked back a sob as he saw his oldest hyung tied down, spread eagle and half naked to the bed, blue-ish purple bruises ringing his hips, thighs, and neck, his body limp, eyes dull and hazy.

A rage unlike any other tore through Jungkook, burning his blood so hot it boiled, the monster feeding and fueling that rage with it's own, an animalistic yell erupted from his throat.

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