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Word spread like wildfire of Bangtans return and all of South Korea seemed to rejoice.

All but one.

One who panicked at BTS' continued existence.

The one who set everything in motion.


Jungkook waited anxiously for his hyungs, eager to unite with them after what felt like a lifetime without them.

He jumped to his feet at the turn of the doorknob. His hyungs hadn't taken more than two steps into the dorm before he tackled them in a tight embrace, tears falling freely from his eyes, their combined scents overwhelming him, their arms enveloping him in the love and comfort he'd so desperately missed.

Jungkook wasn't certain which of his hyungs lifted him as his eyes were squeezed shut tightly as he continued to cry, and their scents all mingled together, but he simply tightened his hold on his hyungs neck and wrapped his legs around his waist as he was carried further into the room.

Not once did they let each other go.

Not once did they break their embrace.

Not once did they stop saying ' I love you'.


---Two days later---

Several pairs of eyes turned to the boardroom door as it swung open revealing two men, one with a badge hanging from his neck, the others riding at his waist, next to the gun resting at his hip.

Their identity and authority were undeniable.

"Can I help you gentlemen?"

"Shin Junyeol?"

All eyes in the room turned to the opposite end of the long table they occupied.

That small action was enough to let the detectives know who they were there for.

Shin Junyeol stood from his plush leather seat, visibly shaken, fear evident in his eyes as the detectives approached, one pulling cuffs from behind his back to place on Junyeols wrists.

"Shin Junyeol, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder and the attempted murder of Bangtan Sonyeondan."

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