᛫➸ Prologue ᛫➸

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⋆୨୧˚ L U S T ˚୨୧⋆

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⋆୨୧˚ L U S T ˚୨୧⋆


By: Love_Pat

⁑ ✥ ⁑

I don't...

I don't remember being here...

Tears in the eyes of these women around me were making me ask "What's happening?" but it felt as if our lips were glued together, hard to speak.

There, was the man once I fell in love with.... but I didn't know who he was.

It was as if he's a stranger but I felt.... hurt.


He remembers who I am but why can't I remember him?

He keeps coming back to me, and only me.

As soon as he looked at me.... his eyes were filled with Lust.

But could I trust him? Will I know the truth?

What is the truth?

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Synopsis by: MiRACLEkook

My best friend's scream rang through the basement of a house.

These guys here must've drugged us as none of us here know how we end up here, at least that's what I thought about it but as the leader, I suppose, came out from the hallway, smirking with his hair, surprisingly styled to perfection.

Only two or three strands of hairs were out of place as he scanned the room.

"Who's next?" He asked.

None of the women in the room dared to make eye-contact as the handsome man scanned his eyes over us.

"You." He said all of us looked at him to see him pointing at someone.


"Now let's have some fun baby." He said winking at me. He then left down the long hallway, his arms swaying by his side.

"Who is that?!" I asked practically towards no one as two of his men or guards came to me.

"His name is Jeon Jungkook and watch yourself as he's a bit forceful." One said as he runs his fingers through his hair.

I mentally rolled my eyes and gagged but knew I'd get chucked out If any of them saw.

Some other girls gave me pitiful looks as the two other handsome men walked up to me, one with very thin eyes and another with bright red hair.

"Don't make a fuss." The red-hair one said. "And please don't run away." The thin-eyed blonde said starting to unlock the handcuffs around my wrists.

When he removed them and chucked them aside, I winced rubbing my red wrists shocked, seeing that they were beginning to draw blood.

I sighed lightly looking at my feet, feeling myself being dragged down the long hallway that this person, or known as Jungkook, went down before.

I walked, well, was pushed, into a dark room containing only a king-sized bed and a drawer. A dull wardrobe in the corner - the door was wide open and only pale cream robes were inside, except for one outfit I only recognized. 

It was my best friend's outfit.

Her favorite black leggings with a bright pink t-shirt and a cardigan. I lightly gasped beginning to understand what this 'Jungkook' person was doing.

He had just fucked my best friend...

And I'm next...

Or so I thought.

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©️ 2018 Love_Pat on wattpad. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced, transmitted, translated or distributed in any form (including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or etc.) especially without the author's written consent or prior consent.

I, however, do not own Jungkook, I only own the character Ella and other more original characters that will be further included in this book.

This is written out based on the author's imagination, which means this book is completely FICTIONAL. Any names or characters, places or incidents of any kind are based on the author's imaginary and are fictional.

ALSO! The idea was originally by: MiRACLEkook , but I've made quite a number of changes and beautiful banner of this book is made by: JXNGGUK so credits to them on that!

anyways, i hope you enjoy reading this book! ❤️

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