᛫➸ XXII ᛫➸

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His eyes were sparkling under the cloudy clouds, making the room cozy and confronting for the two of us. Jungkook slowly caressed my right cheeks, his forehead still gently rest on mine as he softly brushes his thumb over my cheekbone, making me send him a soft smile. I then gently caressed his hand that was on my cheek.

"Are you willing to tell me everything now?" I spoke up, as I was surprised to find him not having any frustrated look but instead calmly nodded.

"Yes, but are you sure since it might hurt you a lot." He asked, concerned lace through his voice as I smiled at him.

"I'll be fine if I'm not, there are painkillers," I told him as I slightly pulled back and point the painkillers on the nightstand as he rests his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Alright then," Jungkook said before taking a deep breath and looked at me deep in my eyes, with a serious face as I waited for him to continue.

"Let's start with how we met, yeah." He said as I nodded, slightly confused but listen anyway.

"We met when your step-father, Shawn, took some things from me, well, stolen is the right word." He said as he looked down on the left side and nodded a little before looking at me, I felt a slight pain on my head but ignored it and nodded. "I came over with my team and... 'killed' him and before you say anything, I am in fact a Mafia, the Biggest and Strongest Mafia on Earth and so, I brought you over to my mansion afterward." He explained as I widened my eyes but not that quite surprise yet shocked in a way. It was a weird emotion I felt but nodded, asking him to continue.

"We were actually in a arrange marriage due to my grandfather and your grandfather agreement couple of years ago, and that's one of the reasons I am your husband and you, are my lovely wife." He said as he pecked my nose, making me slightly blush and thought about it.

"After we got married, this one Mafia gang wanted to take you away from me and I didn't want him to so, one day, they called me and said that if I didn't come to the destination, then he'll do something to you so I went to the destination only to find that when I arrive at his place, his men went and took you and brought you to New York." He explains as I nodded, understanding since I slightly remember it.

"Days went by until I finally found you and went to New York to get you to find them giving you a memory drug, which made you forget about it." He ended as I felt the pain in my head increased slightly but still ignored it.

"Now here are some facts I have to tell you to know about as well. Extremely important facts." He added in as I paid full attention to him.

He pulled me closer to him and looked at me in the eyes of mine before speaking,

"The Mafia that took you away was actually... your step-father." He said as I looked at him confused, didn't he say he killed him?

"What do you mean? Didn't you say that he killed him?" I asked him as he sighed deeply before continuing.

"We thought we did too but supposedly, he somehow survives it which to us was nearly impossible." He said as he too, seen confused by it when the pain in my head stuck in my head as I hiss in pain.

I felt him immediately pulling me to his embrace as I am now sitting on his laps, his chin on my head and arms, protectively around my waist as tears were welling up my eyes. I closed my eyes as all the flashback of my step-father, my father and even... Bunny. I soon started slightly screaming in pain as every memory or flash-back when through my mind. The time where I was married to him, and how Annie came and all the controversies that I have faced. After a good 2 minutes of constant screaming and Jungkook tightening his grip on me while humming once in a while to calm me which worked. I slightly calmed down after the flash-back as I lean my back against Jungkook's chest, breathing heavily as I felt a kiss on the back on my head.

"You're so strong, honey. Do you wanna drink some painkillers?" Jungkook whispers before placing a kiss on my temple as I shake my head. Finally remember everything as I rest in his embrace for a moment, catching my breath as he constantly kisses my head.

"Is he still alive?" I asked him, slightly curious if he was because I hope not.

"No, we killed him about 3 months ago, you were in a coma for 3 months baby girl." He said as I chuckled slightly.

We stayed quiet for a moment before I took the glass of water and drink to just freshen up a bit as I lay back down on his chest as I felt it vibrate it, indicating as he was laughing.

"Hey! What are you laughing at." I asked him as I turned my head to look at him and to see him looking down at me smiling softly.

"I have to tell you something else." He said as I slightly frowned and turned to look at him while nodding, waiting for him to continue.

"I...I am bunny..." He said as I widened my eyes in shocked and surprise. He then smiled brightly showing his bunny teeth exactly like the bunny that I saw when I was younger. Tears well up to my eyes as all this time, bunny, my best friend was right in front of my eyes as I attacked him in a hug.

"I've always felt something with you..." 

"I miss you so much bunny." I whisper to him as I tighten my embrace on him as I silently cry on his shoulder as he kissed my temple.

"I'm here now and I will never, ever leave you, love." He whispered as he tightens the hug as well as we stayed like this for a moment. Embracing each other.


After a few moments of her in my arms, I felt ecstatic knowing that she now remembers everything and I was surprised on how she handled the pain really well since I thought it hasn't hurt a lot but to my surprise, I guess my wife is just as strong as her husband.

After a moment, I turn her face so she was facing me as I examine her face carefully like how I have done when she was in a coma and she still looked beautiful as ever. I then closed my eyes as well as lean in before placing my lips on top of hers' gently, I kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft yet comforting in ways that words would never be. My right hand rested below her ear, my thumb caressing her cheek as our breaths mingled. My other hand ran my fingers down her spine, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them and I could feel the beating of my heart against my chest. I have no wish for the kiss to end at all. 

Sparks flew in every direction, and the world was slowly disappearing around us, along with all of our worries, our troubles, and our problems. She made me feel like none of that mattered. It was a small yet warm kiss. I honestly never knew a kiss so innocent could be so intimate and electrifying. Her lips were moving in perfect sync, my hands feeling her waist; I pulled her closer, the kiss deeper, more passionate. I felt her hands on the back of my neck play with the ends of my hair. A smile grew on my face as it started to tickle, finally, we pulled apart.

My eyes, as well as her eyes, sparkle as we stare at each other. Our lips slightly were swollen from the lips which, not going to lie, turned me on before I slightly smirk as I resting my head on hers and asked her with the deep voice of mine,

"Don't you think I deserve a little something for explaining to you, baby girl?"

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