᛫➸ XXVI ᛫➸

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The maids and guards were shocked by the sight that they had just witnessed, they have seen Jungkook fight multiple times but this was just somewhat different, usually, no one could ever stop Jungkook but there they saw, you. Who was able to stop him as they find it almost hard to believe since they would get hit too when trying to stop Jungkook from killing someone with his bare hands. Never ever have Jungkook ever came back to his sense in a look in your eye since it would take a good 5+ man to calm him down and about an hour to fully calmed him but with you, just a glance and it's done.

What they couldn't believe more was that they didn't even notice that 'guard' was even with them. You then grab Jungkook and pulled him towards the both of your rooms, you knew that he was fuming in anger but stayed calm just for you.

"Gosh! That fucker really came into my mansion, probably gave the information to his stupid gang and going to take you away from me and I am NOT going to allow that!... FUCK!" Jungkook yelled as he paces around the room just as you close the door.

You were thinking if you should talk to him or what were you suppose to do? You've never seen him this mad before, ever. You slowly walk towards him, not wanting to get more mad or anything.

"Hey..." You said as you place your hand on his shoulder, felling it so tense like a stone as he turned around, eyes immediately softened.

"No one will take me anywhere away from you, okay." You said as you caressed both his cheeks, looking in his eyes deeply as he places his hands on your waist.

"I'm... sorry, it's just.." He tried speaking as you pulled him into a hug while rubbing his back.

The two of you stayed embracing each other for a moment, you knew by now that he had fully calmed down as you pulled away from the embrace.

"Let's go down, hmm." You suggested as you sent him a soft smile, as he nodded before pulling you into another hug.

"Thank you, love." He whispered in your neck as you hummed in response while playing with his hair for a while.

After a minute or two, you of you went down the stairs and into the living room where almost everyone was as they held up an 'ok' sign towards Jungkook, asking him if he's okay as he nodded while taking a sit on one of the couches with you on his lap.

"Ella, you truly have some powers over Jungkook," Yoongi said as you giggled as Jungkook tighten his grip on your waist and rest his chin on your chin.

"What do you mean?" You asked, a little curious onto what he meant by you having some powers over Jungkook.

"Well, you just had to go and tell him to stop and calm down which he did, whereas us, his long-time friends, had to get hit in the face in order for him to calm down," Jin said, exaggerating a little as you look at them a little shock since they had to get hit as you looked at Jungkook as he nodded.

"Wow, I'm speechless... in a way?" You said more of a question way as the others laughed in response as you all just talked.

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What Jungkook's team didn't notice just yet was some of the guards from Jungkook couldn't help but look at Ella in a wrong way but they didn't notice it just yet until Ella started feeling uncomfortable with their stares as she shifted uncomfortably in Jungkook's lap as he notices immediately.

"What wrong, love?" Jungkook whispers as Hoseok said a joke and they all laughed loudly as Ella looked down at her fidgeting fingers.

"It's nothing, really. Just the guards are starting to make me feel uncomfortable." Ella whispered back, managing to amile a soft smile to Jungkook as Jungkook furrow his eye-brow as he took a glance at his guards and in fact, they were all drooling over Ella, speciafically, Ella's body.

Jungkook's blood boils at the sight as he felt the need to just kill them with his bare hands but when Ella cupping his cheeks and resting her forehead against each other and looking deep into each other's eyes.

"It's alright. Really. Just a little uncomfortable but I'm fine." Ella whispers as she sent a smile to him, trying to reassure him that it is truly fine and that a fight doesn't need to necessarily happen again.

Jungkook was soon calmed by the voice of her wife, but that didn't necessarily mean that he is done with the guards, as then Ella joined the conversation of his friends while Jungkook kept an eye on the guards, giving his death glare to them as then, Taehyung notices what was going on. He hits Jungkook's shoulder gently as he did a little nod and points to the guards with his eyes, asking 'Got a situation with them?' as then Jungkook just nodded in response, clearly anger was slowly taking over him as the guards did inappropriate signs with their hand as the guards looked at Ella. Putting their two hands up and acting like they holding something like they're holding Ella's chest and that was the last hit for Jungkook. 

He squeezed your waist, asking for you to get up as you gladly did so, Taehyung kept a close eye on Jungkook as marched his way to the guards, grabbing the collar of the closest one and shove him to the wall while lifting him a little bit as all the guards were about to piss their pants, definitely afraid of the consequences.

"The fuck were you thinking and doing?" Jungkook gritted his teeth while whispering it to him as he shakes his head in fear, easily making Jungkook a lot more furious than he already was.

"Fucking. Answer. Me." Jungkook said again as he adds in pressure on his collar as the guard continues to shake his head, way too afraid to admit what he and the other guards were actually thinking.

Jungkook didn't hesitate to punch that guard as the others immediately went to stop it before it gets too out of hand.

Taehyung had got you to another room as he knew Jungkook might or might not get out of control even if he did a couple of hours ago, Jungkook wouldn't want Ella to see this again, two fights in a day as Taehyung had decided to distract her.

While on the other hand, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jin were trying to get Jungkook out as Hoseok pulled the guard away who was trying to fight back. It was literal chaos for them. 

"You fucking keep my wife out of your mind!" Jungkook yelled as he tried to escape the members grip on him as the guard slightly laughed, making Jungkook wanting to punch him till death.

"Never, your wife is not even a snack, she's a whole damn meal." He said out loud as then, a bullet was shot through the guard by the big man in Jungkook's gang had, in fact, killed him.

"I'm sorry, but it is wrong to talk about sir's wife." The big man said as silence had enveloped.

Jungkook stared at him in surprised and proudness by the respect he gave and that's one of the reasons Jungkook chose him as his big man.

"I want all of you, to never think about these thoughts about sir's wife, it is certainly extremely rude and disrespectful towards sir." The big man continued, named Ethan, added on as he sternly said to the other guards, specifically, earning full-respect from Jungkook and his members as Jungkook nodded, thanking him.

The rest of the guards nodded but one didn't, he was actually the dead guard's best friend and since he now is killed, he was going to do something that he was probably going to regret it soon but he did it for his best friend. Those two guards had go through thick and thin together so for him to see his best friend, soulmate, just killed in front of him was enough of him being the nice guy. He looked straight at Jungkook's eyes, instantly earning a death and cold glare from Jungkook as the guard looked at Ethan, Jungkook's big man, before asking,

"Why not?"

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