᛫➸ XXVII ᛫➸

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"But why? " Jungkook asked, followed by a bitter chuckled and then, he turned and looked at the spoken guard straight in the eyes, face cold and eyes glaring at his soul.

"Do you want to end up like him, cause if you do that I'll gladly do so." Jungkook faked a nice voice as he spat out his words, instantly making the guard stiffen in position as he looked at the dead guard. 

Silence took over them as Jungkook sighed, knowing that this whole situation was such pathetic at this point since the first 'guard' had told his rival gang about where they live and could possibly take Ella away and that is certainly more important since he does not want his wife tot taken by anyone anymore.

"Just clean him up and research on the previous guard on who the hell he is and his gang. Ask Taehyungie-hyung to bring my wife back. This is all pathetic at this point." Jungkook said as he sighed again, before leaving the situation, shortly followed y his gang members after they shot a death glare at the spoken guard.

"Good job man, so proud of you to make sir mad." One of the guards said, sarcastically as the rest nodded before getting on with cleaning the body.

✶ ✶ ✶

The fact that one of my guards had just questioned me, had my blood to literally boil. I didn't want to start another fight as it seems pretty useless and that my wife wouldn't be happy about it either but now, I was just waiting for Ella to come to our room as I laid down in the middle of the bed, staring at the white ceiling. Gosh, living in a new mansion for not even a week and we might have another mission and already had started two fights. This was definitely not a good day to start.

"Hey, baby," Ella said as she closed the door, I immediately sat up hearing the pet name she just called me since she always called me by my name.

My heart flutter as she sent a small smile as then I smirked at her, pulling her to sit beside me as I pulled her legs across my lap as I rest my left hand on her knees and the other arm around her waist. She was just hugging my side loosely as I kissed her head.

"Baby? I love it." I said as she looked up at me and saw a tint of pink on her already rosy cheeks as I chuckled and kissed her cheeks.

"What happened? Taehyung said you needed me back?" She asked she took my hand and played with them which was filled with rings as I sighed, catching her attention.

"Well, hyungs will give me information about a gang that we might and probably should kill within this week since they know where we live," I said as she nodded understand the situation.

"Don't stress too much, I bet you can beat them up easily but be careful, hmm?" She said in a soft tone as I nodded, resting my head on hers.

"Yeah, I know. But I wasn't expecting my week to start off like this." I told her as I held her tighter by her knees and felt her nodding while inhaling my scent as we stayed there, embracing into each other's arms.

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