᛫➸ XXVIII ᛫➸

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The feeling of someone staring at me had made me wake up when I opened my eyes, blinking multiple times to get rid of the blurriness from my eyesight as I saw my wife staring at me lovingly while I gave her a soft smile before pulling her so she was sort of lying on top on me but not really.

I realized that the word "lovely" is better than "beautiful". The dictionary definition is "exquisitely beautiful," and though I am not one for textbook definitions or overly thought-out things, it still surprises me that not even that is good enough to describe her, who I call my beautiful, lovely wife.

"Morning honeybun," I said in my raspy voice as I rub her arm up and down for some warmth.

"Morning~" She sang as she presses a kiss on my jaw as lightly laughed at her.

"You look lovely as always, my queen," I said to her as I saw her slightly frowned at the same time, smiled at me.

"Queen eh? Then you're my king, my king." She said, making me laugh as I continue rubbing her arm up and down as a comfortable silence came by as then I remembered it was her birthday as then, I thought to myself, today was going to the day where I will make love to her and not lust, I have been waiting for this day for so long and couldn't believe it was finally here.

"Happy birthday, love," I announced to her as I sat the both of us up on our bed and pulled her into a small, soft kiss. Our lips barely touched but it had always felt special.

"Thank you-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLAAAA!!!" The sound of my members bursting into our room screamed as I mentally slapped myself as they all ran around while screaming while I felt I had a headache as then I heard Ella giggled.

"Thank you for wishing me, boys." She said in a soft tone as she stood up and hugged the boys, each one at a time as I felt slightly jealous at the skin contact but knew that it shouldn't matter, they're just friends.

"Okay, now please get out. We'll come later." I said as I point at the door as they all pouted which made me made a 'We're just having fun?" face as I sighed. How I wish my plan would work as I planned.

"Kook~ Don't be mean to your hyungs." My wife told me as she approached me as I widen my mouth, slightly offended while my members laughed at my face.

"Shut it and go." I sternly told them as I made a 'Fine.' face and left as Ella giggled at them and me. 

"Come on, don't be too mean." She said as she kissed my cheeks as I stare at her in a shocked and slightly offended way in a joking way.

"Well, missy. I'm sorry but I am the leader and the youngest leader in the Mafia community, alright missy also who is my wife and no one else's." I told her in a jokingly way as she giggled making me want to laughed but held it in as  I continued having a straight face.

"Oh! So now, you're laughing at the biggest and strongest Mafia leader now, oh my gosh, I cannot with you." I said as I giggled at the end as I pulled her into my chest, hugging her tightly.

"Sorry love, but me being nice isn't good for my image as the biggest Mafia and, I'm not that nice to people or anything or anyone in general, only people who I love and care as in you," I whisper as I felt her nodded.

"Yeah, but be nice to your friends next time." She said as she took a glance at me while I lean towards as I kissed her soft cheeks, making her caught off guard as I then place my lips on hers.

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As he leaned forward my pulse raced. His hand had come in contact with my face, resting just in front of my cheek, but with one swift slide of his thumb, it was brushed out of the way. Looking into his eyes I saw how beautiful his brown eyes were that displayed his soul. His lips touched my cheek as I felt the time stopped. My heart came to a stop as my breath caught in my throat. Our fingers locked together similar to puzzle pieces as the soft skin of his mouth left the side of my face, the exact spot where they had come into contact burned and tingled. A hot blazing fire pulsed through me while then a small grin crept onto my face and my cheeks painted themselves a rosy red color. He pulled away silently, but our eyes locked, having a private conversation of their own as I saw nothing but love in them.

I was completely unprepared for what's next and was definitely caught off guard. Even the days and times I've spent with Jungkook like watching him talk, laugh, getting clingy and manly but this was something different that I've never felt from him. Yes, we've kissed before but I hadn't imagined how warm they would feel pressed up against my own.

The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips onto mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs. I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth as he explored my mouth. It was a very sloppy yet gentle kiss with the strong scent of his cologne as we got closer. My arms reached up and tangled around his strong neck. In an instant I had pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against my own, before I drew back into his lips, slightly missing the feeling as I lightly crave for his touch as I knew it was vice versa by his looks.

Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to my hip. It settled there and pulled me closer. I inhaled sharply as I was against his warm chest, as I thought to myself in my head. Must he be so perfect? He held me gently, cupping my face with one hand as he leaned down and softly kissed the tender area at the side of my neck. My body went rigid with surprise as he gave kisses below my collarbone, slightly pulling my shirt lower as my body was filled with the euphoric warmth once more. I was breathless with delight as he showered me with gentle, soft yet wet kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth as he left love bites. I took a gazed down at him, thrilled beyond words to be the receiving his love affection as he drew back again and spent a moment studying my face. 

I felt my blush deepen under his gaze as he gazed at me lovingly, his eyes softening with tenderness before sparking with something else. He tilted my head to the side and kissed me on my lips, his lips more demanding than before. I felt a smoldering heat deep within me as his grip tightened, crushing my body to his, gently yet firm. He tilts my head further, deepening the kiss while our tongue fought with each other as he slowly hovering over me, gently laying me down on the soft mattress as my head was on the soft pillow.

As I cautiously laid down on my bed, unaware of what his plans for me were, I moved my hair away from the right side of my neck and he looked into my eyes. I knew what was going to happen now as he leaned closer to me, hovering over my body with his hands placed on my waist as his bangs slightly touched my forehead, looking deep into each other's eyes. My insides craved his touch as I knew by the look that he was craving for my touch and as soon as his moist, slightly plump lips touched on my neck, I lost all my thought and we were going to be showing our ever growing love for each other. I was amazed at how one touch of his lips could hitch my breath.

He then gently yet hardly sucked on my neck as his hand wandered around my body, I lightly tucked on his hair as then I softly moaned at the contact with his lips on my neck at a specific spot as I felt him smirk against my skin. He then lifted himself so he was facing me yet again, our eyes looking in each other's as he rests his forehead on mine as then he whispered,

"Let's have a mini us on your birthday, love."

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