᛫➸ XXIX ᛫➸

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*Warning: Smut ahead ;)*

He leans back down and smashed his lips on mine, kissing me hard and passionately as he slipped in his tongue into my mouth, hand roaming all over my body as both of his hand made their way to the collar of my shirt and rip them off, literally, rip them out and still kissing me hard as my fingers gently ran through his hair. 

He then pulled away, looking at me with my undergarments on as I became shy while looking away with a tint of pink on my cheeks as I felt him holding my chin as he leans in again.

"You're so beautiful, so beautiful." He whispers as he plants kisses over my collarbone and lowers as then he glances at me, asking for permission as I nodded. 

He then pulled his boxers away as I felt it hardening a while back as I stare in shocked while I gulped, it was bigger than I thought! How was it going to fit?

I sense his smirk as I looked at him, tilting his head as he was getting comfortable on the bed as I got too embarrassed to ask or to do anything.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked softly as he hovered me again, concern in his voice.

"Will it fit?" I asked so quietly, it was barely audible but somehow he heard it as he softly laughed, before making me look at him.

"It will have to, honey. Just relax and enjoy, okay?" He asked as I nodded before he leans down and kissed me again, more demanding as he slightly grinding his hips on mine as I felt wetter by the second as his 'friend' became harder, making e arch my back as he took the opportunity to unclasp my black lace bra.

He continued kissing me as his hands went to my boobs, softly massaging them as I softly moaned in the kiss while then he pinched the tip on my nipple, making me moan slightly louder than before in the kiss, instantly felt his member twitch on my inner thigh as my hands continued tugged on his hair.

 He then slowly moved lower to my neck, then to my collarbone, and then to my right boob as he sucked on it while the other was massaging it, I once in a while would arch my back in pleasure as then in a swift motion, he took my underwear and threw it on the floor as he moved to suck on my other boob as his other hand went to my heat, slowly rubbing my clit as I softly moaned at the contact, he slowly added in one finger in, making me arch my back the most as I sighed.

He then went and kissed to my slim stomach and near to my heat as he kissed my clit, making me moan in nothing but pleasure as he continued to finger me, adding another finger in a swift motion as he sucked on my clit. Fingering me faster as time passes by as I softly moan once in a while.

He then places kisses on my inner thigh as I was almost as my high, he then pulled his fingers out as I whimper as the empty feeling as he came up and face me again, positioning himself as he looked at me, while I nodded as I sucked in a breath as he enters in slowly, and also slamming his lips on mine, distracting me from the pain as he tried to slowly move in and out. 

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