᛫➸ XXI ᛫➸

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Days after the fight have become weeks, weeks after weeks have turned into months and Ella was still in a coma. There was an improvement as said by the doctor and was said that Ella would wake up soon, just soon. Every since the guards of Jungkook's clean the bodies in the destination, they found all the weapons and drugs that they have stolen from Jungkook and got them back to Jungkook. They have upgraded the system on the security cameras as well as the service. The guards are a lot more aware and buff then original, the maids slowly learning self-defense requested by Mr. Jeon for obvious reasons.

The bruises and cuts left on Ella's body had finally healed which made it easy for Jungkook to get close to his wife without worrying about hurting her in any way possible. Jungkook had been looking for a new mansion to stay and live as they think that some of the other rival gangs might've known where they live since the news of his death, shocked a lot of people. 

It has been nearly 3 months with Ella in a coma and according to the doctor, it could be any time that Ella would wake up and everyone was mentally and physically prepared for it. Especially for Jungkook since he got some real explaining to do.

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"Sir, Mr. Jeon would like to meet you in the late afternoon." My assistance knocked on the door and told me. My father who is the one who told me to have him as my assistance as I nodded in the meeting room.

"Will do," I said to him as he left the room and turn to my gang members before nodding, indicating that we are done with the meeting as they all left the meeting room to do the mini mission I have assigned them to do.

I look out the window as the thought of Ella came into my mind, not going to lie, I felt kind of bad for my wife knowing that the reason on why she is in a coma was because of me. If I had just run away back then, I wouldn't have met her or anyone... but I glad I didn't run away or else I wouldn't be able to call myself as her husband.

Although it is supposedly called an arranged marriage, I feel like it's not since I do truly love her. I honestly didn't even expect to be standing at where I am right now but I am glad that I am. I then started thinking about what my father was going to talk to me about. Perhaps about the fight or about my wife's health, either way, I hope it isn't something that was unexpected.

I turned my heel and walked out of the meeting room as I went around my mansion, checking and making sure that everyone is doing something. I passed by my new training room where I have upgraded the room into something better, there I see some of my guard's training for obvious reasons. I have separate the female section and male section as well since the maids needed to know some self-defense training. Even though the maids were in their late 30s, they should at least learn some self-defense for safety purpose. 

I then reached my garden, filled with colorful flowers which aren't what I really wanted in the first place but Ella really wanted it as she talked about it on our honeymoon. Talking about our honeymoon, I know that she will remember everything since I'm just going to spill every single thing to her, not wanting to hind or not tell anything to her, I knew that she would have a big headache or pain after I told her. One of the reasons why I don't want to tell was because I don't want to hurt her in any way but the outcome is better, knowing that after the pain and possibly suffering from the pain, she would remember everything about us. It's something like when a female is pregnant and going to labor, the female would be a lot of pain and suffer from it but after giving birth, it would be all worth it and I believe that it will be worth telling everything to her, even if it hurts like hell for her, I will be there through thick and thin like I promised her.

I looked over at our room, there displays the large glass window that has been destroyed a ton of times so I asked for the strongest glass which was the new metallic glass. I have included a laser room type of thing around the entrance of my mansion in case people break in my mansion which I doubt. 

I then went into my mansion and into the elevator, seeing the time as to meeting my father was soon. I decided to change into a more professional look than I ever had. 

I got into our room, seeing my wife never failed to make me smile even in the bad days I have. I walked up to her, caressed her soft cheeks and place a kiss on her forehead before going to my closet and found a suit to change into. I then styled my hair and straighten my clothes before spraying one of my favorite cologne as I glance over at the sleeping figure and walked over, placed a peck on her cute nose before walking out of our room, hoping that she would wake up any time soon as I made my way to the room where my father would be waiting for me.

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My father in a suit as well, walked in the room, looking proud as I stood up and was about to bow when he gestured me to not to with his hand held up as I stare at him in a state of confusion. He then took a step forward and hugged me tightly as I hugged him back without hesitation. He repeatedly pats my back as I softly smiled. My father has always been strict with me and I don't really have a childhood like how other kids would. These little things he does like hugging me or even smile in confront to me makes me feel like I'm a proud son to him.

"You did a great job, son. I cannot tell you how proud I am to call you my son." He whispers as I felt something wet fell down on my shoulder and that's where it hit me. My father is crying and I can't help but have slight teary eyes.

"Thank you, father," I whisper back to him as I tightly shut my eyes before releasing from the hug.

He then places his left hand on my left shoulder and smiles proudly at me as I couldn't help but hug my father again as he slightly chuckled which made me chuckled as well. We then sat and talked about his health and how my wife is doing currently and I had a great time talking to my father after catching up until a knock interrupted us.

"Sir, your wife has seen to be waking up." One of the maids come in and smiled as I stood up and looked at my father to see him nodding and gesture me to go as I didn't waste any time to rush up the stairs and into our room.

I burst into our room to see my beautiful wife, looking at me as she smiled softly as I rushed to her and hugged her tightly, causing her to softly giggle which made me instantly smile.

"Sir, luckily she is fine as it is as I will leave for now." The doctor explained as he left some pain-killers and a cup of water.

As soon the doctor left and no one was at dight expect for the two of us, I grabbed her head, caressing it and pulled her into a passionate kiss as all the emotion was going everywhere. The time I missed her so much and the feeling of her soft lips on mine drove me crazy knowing that she kissed me back before she pulled away to catch her breath silently as I hugged her again, placing my chin on her head.

"Before you say anything, I love you so much." I quickly said it out as I felt her smile against my chest and felt the hug tighten as I chuckled.

"Hello to you too." She softly said and oh, how much I missed the sweet tone of her voice said as I hugged her tighter if it even was possible before pulling away and looked into her light brown eyes and rest my forehead against her, brushing some hair away from her beautiful face. Before saying,

"I'm sorry about what has happened but I swear on my life that you'll be safe with me from now on."

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