᛫➸ XXIV ᛫➸

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The sudden movement of a pair of soft hands ran through my long hair had me woken up but at the same time, made me feel relaxed. The sunlight that streams into a room through the window had given the whole room a low-light, comfortable atmosphere around us. I slowly opened my eyes as I was met with the face of the love of my life. He smiled down at me as he continues to run his fingers through my hair and down to my back while gently pulling me closer to him. I snuggle deep into his chest as I inhale his scent of cologne he wore on his shirt, making me smile softly.

"Morning," I whisper after a moment of silence as I felt his chest vibrated, indicating that he's laughing.

"Morning baby." He said back in his deeper voice due to him waking up as I look up to face with him already looking down at me.

He then leans down and presses his lips onto mine while the both of us smiled into the kiss before I pulled away, seeing him pout cutely. Making me secretly giggle at his face.

"I'll go wash up first," I said softly, as I slowly sat up on the bed before walking to the bathroom and entering in it.

I grab my toothbrush and spread some toothpaste, rinse it with a little water on my toothbrush before brushing my teeth with it. I spent a good solid 5 minutes brushing my teeth before spitting it out and rinse my mouth with water. Afterward, I grab my face moisturizer and apply it all over my face as I applied lip-balm on my lips. I then walked back to the bed to find Jungkook laid down on our bed with his phone in his hand as he looked up at me.

"Where's my phone?" I asked him as I pouted before he laughed and lifted his left arm and flicking his fingers, indicating to go there.

"Come here, love." He said as I walked over the bed and plotted beside him as he wraps his strong protective left arm around my small frame as I rest my head on his chest, listening to his slight fast beating heartbeat.

"Here you go, princess." He said as he pulls a phone, specifically an iPhone X, the same brand as his as he handed it to me. 

"Thank you~" I cooed at him as I cup his face in my small hand and press kisses all over his face as he giggles before I took the phone in hand and downloaded some apps such as Instagram, Twitter, etc. 

I noticed that his and the boys' number were already in my phone contacts as I looked over at his to 'Your hot husband' as I laughed at it. He looked at me in curiosity then his eyes landed my the contact name as he smirked.

"What's mine in yours?" I asked him as his arm around me brought me closer to his embrace as I looked at his phone, seeing that he went into his contacts and press on the contact and called it which my phone ringed, seeing the contact name is 'Love'

"Aww, that's sweet." I said as he hangs up and I changed his contact name to 'JK♡'.

"You're sweeter though, anyways, I have been searching for a new house for us since the other rivals know where we live now and I am certainly not going to allow them to even look at my wife and so I have an appointment later on baby girl. So I'll be back in the late afternoon, the boys would be here though." He said as I nodded understanding the situation as he leans down and pecks my lips.

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