᛫➸ XVI ᛫➸

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The maids and guards nodded fiercely nodded their heads as a tense silence surrounded them. Jungkook then turned his heels towards his members before doing a small nod before walking off to the training room as he shot his guards and maids who were in the same place in his sharp glare as they instantly went and continue their job at the same time, keeping an eye on you where you are still asleep.

"Hey Jungkook, yesterday while doing research, me and Yoongi found something that we could make as we have the things with us and wanted to experiment it," Namjoon asked Jungkook who turned to look at his elder with his left eyebrow raised.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked as he took a sip of his water when entering the training room.

"It's like a bullet from a gun where you shoot them but it doesn't exactly kill them... just yet," Yoongi explained as he looked around the boys to see them wanting Yoongi to continue. "You see, it's a tracking bullet and no matter what, it will track you even if you're at the plane or such. It's a very powerful tracking bullet and at the same time, it eventually kills you with the shock that is included in the bullet and it hurts a lot." Yoongi added on, making Jungkook slightly smirk as he nodded.

"Alright, bring Hoseok-hyung with you and inform me if you need anything else but don't forget about training aright?" Jungkook told them as the three older boys nodded and smirk with the plan as Hoseok cracked his knuckles.

Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin decided to train on their weapons skills as Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok went into a lab to create the bullet, currently with no name as the time pass by.

Surprisingly, it didn't take too long for the three boys to come back to the training room with a satisfied smirk on their lips as they held their thumbs up, indicating that it worked which widened Jungkook's smirk. Jungkook just couldn't wait to see him dead on the spot.

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While Maria and the others were cleaning the opposite side of Jungkook's and Ella's room. Maria, specifically heard something drop from the room that Ella is in and immediately felt that something was wrong. Maria then left the room that she and the other maids were cleaning, leaving the door open so she could still see the other maids as she slowly went to the room Ella is in and lean her ears on the wooden door and that was what shocked her the most on what she had heard.

Maria heard the voices of two to three men as it seemed that one of the men was scolding the other for knocking something out as Maria widened her eyes, instantly making eye-contact with one of the maids as she wasted no time and quietly ran towards the room and told them, Maria, of course, wanted to burst in the room and yell at them but she couldn't. What if they had a gun with them? She thought.

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