᛫➸ II ᛫➸

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I woke up in a room, the pearly white walls and the bright sun-kissed my skin as it felt warm. Within a minute or so, a young handsome male came into the room, smiling which showed his box-like smile and he walked towards the bed that I was laying and sat on the edge. I then slowly sat up as well to see his features on his clear skin but got interrupted as he begins talking.

"Good morning, My name is Kim Taehyung, but you could call me Tae!" He said cheerfully as he extended his hand out for me to shake, I suppose.

"My name is Ella, Lee Ella," I told him as I softly smiled at him, not sure if I should trust him as he is in this mafia gang but nonetheless, I shook his hand.

"Do you perhaps, know why I'm here?" I asked him, I slowly pull my hands out from his hand, still having an uneasy feeling about being in the same room as him.

"Oh, yea! My boss will come here and talk to you, his name is-" He got cut off by the door opening, Tae instantly stood up and his expression turned into.... cold? He didn't look like the cheerful self like a minute ago but I guess it's because of this another handsome male that had just come in.

The man did a gesture with his pointer and middle finger, gesturing him to leave as he left shortly after. The man looked oddly familiar but I still couldn't figure out who exactly this man was.

"Did you have a good sleep, baby girl?" He asked, now sitting beside me and interlock our finger while he looked right in my eyes.

I simply nodded, getting too lost in his gorgeous brown orbs as I smile softly. I then realized he too, was looking right at my eyes which were light brown.

"What's your name?" I decided to break the calm silence as I felt a little dumb yet curious to ask him that question. He then caresses my left cheek as he leans closer to my ear and slightly smirked.

"You'll know sooner baby, but for now. Get ready and be in the kitchen room to eat breakfast, my gang will introduce themselves to you." He said now, in a deeper tone as his eyes flicker between my eyes and lips, but he kissed my forehead.

"Am I... living here?" I asked him, having an uneasy feeling living in his house as who knows, they might as well just kill me when it's least expected.

"Yes, you'll be living here with me and won't be able to escape once I said so." He said as he stood up and fixed his shirt then turning around to meet my eyes. Just to see a confused expression on my face.

"What do you mean by "won't be able to escape."? I asked him as I stood up from my bed and looked at him, demanding for answers since I am not his property.

"Babygirl, you ask too many questions and I don't want to punish you this early. Just do as I say." He says as a hint of annoyance in his voice and shortly after left the room. I stood there feeling... Confused?

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