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"C' mon bunny, it'll be fun to make new friends." Your young-self exclaimed and told the boy who's older than you by 3 years who also wouldn't want to tell you his name so you called him Bunny.

"No, I only wanna be friends with you," Bunny replied, pouting slightly and crossed his arms.

"Okay then! But why though?" 7-year-old Ella asked the boy while sitting down on the soft grass, and playing with the tiny rocks as Bunny did the same.

"Dad told me that people are bad," Bunny replied while throwing rocks on the tree behind him.

"Yea but not everyone," Ella told him before looking at him with her big light brown eyes.

Silence surrounded them but it wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable silence, a silence where it's peaceful before it got dark.

"Well Ella, do you want me to walk you home since it's getting kind of dark," Bunny asked her, realizing that it was indeed quite dark and that their parents are going to get worried if they don't come home any sooner.

"Nope, it's fine, I can walk myself but thank you," Ella tells him before smiling at him as he did the same. What Ella didn't notice was that there was sadness behind his smile, luckily it was dark so she couldn't really see a tear slip out of his eyes.

"Well, then I'll leave first since my parents will get worried," Bunny tells Ella before wiping his face as Ella nodded, not sure if he could see or not.

"Oh and Ella, always remember me okay? Don't forget me." Bunny says as he steps closer to Ella before hugging her.

"Of course I'll remember you, bunny!" Ella said again before wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you." Bunny whisper, knowing that this might be the last time he'll see her in a while and knew that she wouldn't hear him.

"Bubye!" He says before turning around and jogged towards the direction of his house.

"Bubye!" Ella says and waved her hands around. This was their thing where they would say 'Bubye' as they didn't do it to their other friends.

Ella looked at his figure slowly disappears as she looked down before turning around to walk to her home and what she didn't notice was that a man was following her.

As Ella almost reached home, the man harshly shoved her down, completely startling Ella before she looked at the man, scared of the man who was seen wearing all black color clothing.

"Hello there, what are you doing all here alone." The man said as he took steps towards Ella as Ella slightly moved backward on the ground.

"No... Leave me alone.." Ella says as she slowly stood up and making sure to have the right amount of distance.

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