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The entire mansion turned into an eerie atmosphere in a matter of seconds but what Jungkook said was serious, he wasn't joking about it a bit at all. In Jungkook's mind, as soon as you even dared to touch his wife, you're dead. No hesitation. In this case, they weren't a hundred percent sure if it even was he plan his men to come or the other mafia out there but either way, he will kill all of them, sooner or later.

Hours went by and it seems that the doctor is having a difficult time stitching on Ella or something. Jungkook didn't even seem to notice that his tears were streaming down on his face like the Angel Falls as the members too, started tearing up. They were really close to you as friends, of course, especially Taehyung. They were all brothers to Ella as the same goes for them, they treat Ella like as if she has their younger sister.

"Jungkook-ah, me and Namjoon are going to check who they were," Yoongi told Jungkook as he pats the youngers back in confront as Jungkook nodded, unable to speak due to keeping his cries in.

Something about Jungkook was that he never cries, he only slips a tear when he broke up with Annie but never cried, especially this hard as the boys knew that he takes things seriously with Ella. No matter if even a man stares at you in the wrong way, he won't hesitate to start a fight with them at all.

Yoongi and Namjoon left shortly after as the others sat on the ground and tried to calm Jungkook down in any way possible but it seems like the only way was... Ella.

Things were definitely different compared to Jungkook with Annie and Jungkook with Ella. When Jungkook was with his ex, she was clingy and always with him at all times and always, always asks for money or spoil her in every way possible. Buying her the most expensive necklace there is and buying her whatever she wants. But with Ella, things were almost the opposite, Ella wasn't clingy at all but was still constantly with him when they're together in their room and such and never asks for money or anything. Ella is always calm and patient,  sweet like honey and soft as a feather.

Jungkook loves his wife, something that Jungkook thought was fiction and what happens in fairy-tale stories but here he is, head over heels for the love of his life,  and he was sure that Ella is the one for him. No one will ever replace her in his heart ever.

It seems like it was past midnight when Yoongi and Namjoon came back to them with dark eyes and clenched jaw. Looks like they were about to throw their hands any moment as their eyes filled with nothing but fury.

"It's his men," Namjoon said in his deep voice, slightly surprisingly the other 5 male before Yoongi spoke up.

"Not sure why he stabs Ella but I have a feeling is to distract us since they know where we live and all, they can easily get our weapons and such so I think he stabs Ella as a distracting and of course, I could be wrong and that guy was stupid," Yoongi said as he made little hand gestures.

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