᛫➸ VIII ᛫➸

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Calmness was spread everywhere at the moment as Jungkook and Ella were all cuddled up in bed after the disaster that had happened the day before. Jungkook has his arms wrapped protectively around Ella's waist as they face each other, with Ella's head under Jungkook's chin as her arms are around his neck and both legs were tangled together.

Slowly but surely, Ella woke up first and looked up to face with a sleeping Jungkook as she softly smiled at the innocent face of his.

"How could you look so innocent and be as terrifying as a mafia?" Ella whispers as she gently ran her fingers through Jungkook's soft hair as she got softly touch the bruise and cuts on his face which brought tears into her eyes.

She tried to get off the bed to do her morning routine when Jungkook tightens his grip on her waist as she turned and looked at him.

"Don't leave yet," Jungkook told her as he pulled her back into his embrace in his deep and raspy voice as he lazily opened his eyes.

Ella just simply smiled before gently rubbing her fingers over his features such as his jaw and cheeks.

"Come on, I want to use the bathroom," Ella says softly as she tries to reason Jungkook on letting her go to use the bathroom.

"And let me treat your wounds alright?" Ella added on as she smiled at him while he opened his eyes and nodded as he let her go.

Ella went off the bed and wash her face and brushed her teeth as she brushed her long soft hair then took out the first aid kit and went back to the bedroom to find Jungkook hugging Ella's pillow as she giggled softly.

She walked towards him and placed the first aid kit on the nightstand as she gently sat on the bed.

"Jungkook, wake up," Ella told him as he slightly nudged him and noticed that he slowly opened his eyes.

"Sit up so I can treat your wounds," Ella told him smiling as he sat up and closed his eyes.

Ella moved closer with the first aid kit on her lap to him and within a blink, Jungkook pulled her so she was sitting between his legs as his arms wrap around your waist and her legs on his thigh. Ella blushed at the skin contact they had but quickly took the cotton out and pour some rubbing alcohol.

"It's going to hurt a little," Ella warned Jungkook as he just lazily nodded as Ella placed the cotton on the wounds and to her surprise, he didn't even flinch at all.

Ella continued to treat his wounds one by one until she finishes and she was just turning around to put the first aid kit back on the nightstand but Jungkook thought Ella was going to leave so he tightens his grip on her waist.

"Yes?" Ella asked as she had a confused expression on her face while Jungkook opened his eyes to meet Ella's as he puts the first aid kit further away from them.

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