᛫➸ XXIII ᛫➸

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Ella gently hit Jungkook's chest as a smirk and a raised eye-brow was showed on his handsome face before a moment of silence before he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her up close against his chest. His hand gently went through her silky smooth hair, as he looked at her in a way he had never looked at a girl before. Ever. Her eyes were like the candles in that night, their light a spark of passion... desire. As a small but teasing smile crept upon her face, goosebumps lined her skin, not the kind that one gets in the cold, but the kind one gets when nothing else matters except right here, right now. 

He kisses her ear lobe first, softly, with just the right hint of passion, then works his way down her neck to her collar bone, she felt a hot breath on her neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with her neck. A hand runs through her soft hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around her waist to pull her close to his body if it even was possible. before coming right back up for the lips I know will be waiting, his lips brush against hers. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, passionate, and demanding as he roughly yet gently kissed her, while leaning down onto the bed as now, Jungkook was hovering over her.

His right-hand sliding down from her waist to her thigh as he carefully caresses them, her hands tugged into his soft hair as they slowly breathe each other breaths. The feeling of love is clearly in the air that the two were breathing. His hand went back to her waist and slowly creep into her shirt she was wearing, he gently caresses her waist as he slowly went and explored every inch of her body with his hand. They never once wanted to break the kiss ever, it was addicting to the two. 

But just as Jungkook was about to unclasp the female's bra, someone knocked on the door twice as Jungkook ignored, not wanting the kiss to end any soon whereas Ella, was trying to pull away even though she too, didn't want to end and gave in as she couldn't stop him. The knocking didn't stop there as it continues for a few more times.

"Sir, your father is waiting." The person spoke, seemed to be Jungkook's assistant as Jungkook slightly whined in the kiss before pulling away, having a string of their saliva as Ella peck his lips, making it disappear as she giggled, both of them admiring each other as she brushes his back into place. 


"Okay, I'm coming!" Jungkook irritating said out loud and faced the door with an annoyed expression on his face before turning back to Ella, who seemed to be giggling at him which made him instantly smile.

He sat up, pulling her as well as he took her left hand with their engagement ring on them as he brought it to his lips and kissed on them. Making Ella feel nothing but loved.

"Now you, my lovely wife, can go catch up with the hyungs. I'm sure hey missed you but don't get too close." Jungkook said to her, making her smile and nod while closing her eyes as he elan and kissed her forehead before standing and leaving the room as Ella laid back on the bed, rethinking of what had just happened as she smiled.

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