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"I said I'm not going with you," I stated calmly as I took a bite out on an apple and I sat on the chair near the kitchen table, while glaring at him, my cold gaze fixed on the man in front of me. He looked as if he was taken back on what I've said but I could care less about it.

"What are you talking about? I am your father and you wi-" I cut him as I clench my jaw and looked at him with my eyes piercing in his. If looks could kill, he would've been dead right this moment.

"You are not my father, you're my step-father and there's a difference if you didn't know that, I'm not going with you whether you want me to or not, I have a life here with people who actually care about me unlike you," I whispered sternly but make it enough for him to hear what I've said.

"Oh sweetie, listen up, can't you care about my life as well? This will keep both of us safe and no one will die." He said to me as he slowly came towards me and made a sorrow face, trying to make me believe him. But why could I believe words that were leaving from his filthy mouth?

"You killed my father, why should I care for the person who killed someone who has taken care of me since the day I was born." I gritted my teeth, irritated with him as I could sense that he too, was irritated with me as well. Usually, I'm not this cold towards anyone, only people who don't deserve my trust and respect.

"You killed him so that you could save your own life? How pathetic of you. Just because you took tons and tons of money from my father's friend who's apparently a Mafia and as a result, you killed my father?" I now said in a whisper tone but in a very dangerously calm tone. I stood up and threw the apple into the trash can.

"He was going to tell them that I haven't given them back their money and where I was, all right! I had to kill him before he could tell!" He yelled as he slowly walked towards the couch and sat down with his head on his palms.

"I'm doing a favor by taking care of you here Ella, I'm doing this because I felt bad about killing your father. Can't you understand?" He said as he softly chocked on his words while saying his sentences.

"Then do me a favor and leave my life," I said to him which caused him to look at me with wide eyes along with a shocked expression.

"What are you talking about Lee Ella? We have to leave before they find us, so go and pack your things now!" He yelled towards the end as I continued to stay where I am. I looked at him like I didn't give any crap about all this because, in honesty, I don't.

"They're going to find you either way, just so you know, they aren't dumb nor pathetic like you. Especially in this situation, you should just face your punishments," I told him, still standing still as I looked at his reaction to see that he was surprised but quickly hide it with his cold expression as per usual.

"Oh, you're really testing my limits now, sweetie." He says as he chuckled deeply while looking down but when he looked up to face me, his expression darkened and to be honest, I'm not flabbergasted as I've seen it a thousand times.

Right when he was about to yell at me go pack my things, the front floor broke down, and immediately about 6 people came in with guns in their hands and aim it at us... well my step-father.

Slowly and surely, this man I suppose was the leader came and motioned his guards or the men to place their guns down with his middle and index finger. I couldn't really make up how his face looked like as he wore a black mask along with his men. He slowly walked up to us, his shoes clicking every time he steps and he soon stops in front of my step-father.

"I believe you have to pay me back my money. Today." The leader said, in his deep voice as he narrowed his eyes towards my step-father. He then extended his palm as a gesture to give him the money, I suppose.

"Please, I needed the money to save my wife because she was in a critical condition but that didn't save her either as I thought it would. Please, I'll give you anything else." My step-father erupted as he kneeled down and practically begged him.

"Mhmm, I suppose you would be happy to see your wife again if she was alive." The leader said as he now walked around him in a circle.

"Yes, my wife was my everything, I would do anything for her." He said in such desperation tone as I slowly backed out, still seeing what's going around while some of his men looked at me but turned their attention back to their boss.

"Well then, you'll see your wife again." The man said as he gestured at his men with his two fingers and the next thing I know, one of his men shot him right in the heart as I gasped out of shock, my step-father then sends me a mischievous smile and collapse as blood rushed out of his chest.

 I didn't realize a tear slip out of my eye.

"You'll see your wife soon then." The leader said which caught my attention, he points to the dead body, I guess to clean it up as his men nodded and started doing their business. He then turned towards me and started walking towards me as well, making me walk backward slowly. Obviously petrified with what he could do within a wink.

"He deserves it anyway... lying to me is not allowed when you're in a situation with me."He whispers as he looked at the dead body before looking at me. Again, I was trying to figure out who he exactly is.

"Oh, Ella? Sad to think that your father dies because of that bastard, your father is a nice man." He said as he pointed at me while I question myself on how he knows my name but thought that maybe my father had mentioned me before, soon he stopped walking and turned to me.

He looked at me for a few seconds as the place went silent, as soon as I've made eye contact with him. It looked extremely familiar but that didn't last long as his eye traveled down to my body and when he looked back at my eyes once again, It was darker. 

Something like... Lust?

The next thing I knew was that a thick cloth that had covered every part of my face when I slowly felt a shot of pain ran through my head and my lungs when a huge headache came into my head while I tried to fight back. By now I knew that they're trying to drug me with something that isn't good but... Why?

I slowly started drifting off to sleep I suppose, without knowing as this War World III was happening in my head that I couldn't help but let it go into my head as each part of my body went numb but I didn't fall into the hard concrete which I thought I was supposed to, but instead on someone's strong and muscular arms.

"Don't worry my love, you'll be safe with me and only me."


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