᛫➸ XVIII ᛫➸

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A sudden thick silence was around the room with six shocked and surprised look. For Jungkook, it started to make sense but at the same time doesn't since Annie is his ex and wanted him back so was Julie helping her? 

"Wait, does that mean?" Namjoon said out loud while looking at Jungkook in the eye as he was met with a confused look from Jungkook as the same goes to the others.

"Hyung, what does it mean?" Jimin said to the elder as Namjoon seem to be deep in thought for a moment before shifting his attention to his leader while looking like he is putting the pieces together.

"Jungkook-ah, you said back then when Annie broke up with you, you said that she just use you for money and all. Basically, she didn't really even love you, correct?" Namjoon said as Jungkook clenched his jaw at the mentioned of his ex who he hates as he nods.

"Yes, and so...?" Jungkook asked, still not fully getting the point as Namjoon let out a sigh.

"Then it makes sense!" Namjoon exclaimed as he quickly turned to the rest. "You see, Taehyung said that they both are sisters and so, Julie has been working and helping him for years now, so for sure, Annie would know who he was since they're siblings and maybe she was set up to date you to get to know our weapons and such and how she always ask you for money, maybe it's for him and for him to make these weapons..." Namjoon explained as Jungkook and the others widened his eyes in shock. Everything made sense now, Jungkook thought to himself.

"Also it means that even if Julie has already died, Annie is in his plan now and so, that's why she came on the wedding day to probably distract you so he can take Ella away! Thank goodness we were there or else Ella would've been taken away." Yoongi added on as they all nodded with clenched jaw and fury in their eyes.

"It all makes sense now..." Hoseok said as he looked at something at the corner of his eyes since he notices something shining as he notices a camera flash and a girl running.

"Yah! It's Annie there!" Hoseok said as he points at the window with Annie running at the speed of a snail as Taehyung, who was the closest to the window, open the window as he backed up as Jin took one of the items they were investing a few moments ago.

Without hesitation, Jin took a special gun and aim it easily on Annie's back as she continues to run. The 'bullet' in the gun isn't really a bullet as it is a tracking bullet. It tracks down on where she will be going as Yoongi quickly grabbed the nearest Ipad and looked at Jin.

"Code, 9244579." Jin said as Yoongi tap it in fairly quickly and got in as it shows where she was going.

"I can still see her." Hoseok said as he looked out the window to see Annie, trying to run fast but clearly, she couldn't.

"Well, now we'll know where she goes and all but I think she took the picture because of the items we took from him and yeah," Taehyung said as all of them looked at the slow running woman as they deeply sighed before turning around to look at the items suspiciously as they resumed on investigating the items.


As time pass by, the hyung's and I have gone through almost all of it as then, a loud bang was heard as I snap my head at the direction of the door to see one of the maids, panting like crazy as me and my hyung's waited for her to explain what was the emergency.

"Sir, your wife! She keeps screaming!" The maid exclaimed as I immediately widened my eyes and dashed out to the door and run into our room as I heard faint screams in them and I knew that some of her memory was coming back.

As I entered our room, I saw Maria looking petrified as she tried to calm my wife down but didn't exactly know how to as I sent her my glare. Why was she in our room and if she didn't come into our room then it wouldn't have happened as she hurriedly rushes off as I slowly step closer to her as her screaming was getting quieter and quieter.

"It's ok baby, I'm here," I said to her as I approach her and embrace her as she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around my neck as I rest mine around her waist as she cried on my shoulder and lightly scream as I just could pat her back and whisper sweet nothings into her ear as well as pecking her forehead once in a while. 

I then slowly realized that she had fallen asleep with tears streamed down her beautiful face as I felt my heart shatter knowing that I couldn't do anything because yes, I do want her to know what has happened and remember our honeymoon and wedding but I don't want to put her into too much pain. 

I carried her and place her in bed as I caressed her hair and plant a small kiss on her forehead and wipe some of her tears as I clench my jaw before closing the door quietly before dashing towards where Maria was.

"What the hell were you doing in our room?!" I asked her as I glared at her as she looked terrified but who am I to care at the moment.

"I wanted to check on up her and she opened the door as I just say her name, she looked like she was in pain and started screaming so I tried to calm her down, sir. I apologize for my mistakes." Maria spoke up as I continue to glare at her before sighing because what can I do now? The damage has been done either way.

"Continue your job or else," I told her sternly as I went back to the lab where my hyung's were as they told me what's new and what's not as we continued to work and invest in it.

"Annie is at some abandoned shit place guys," Yoongi said as I raised an eyebrow as I looked and walked towards him to find it at some abandoned place and looked surprisingly quite familiar in a way as I told Yoongi-hyung to do research on it.

"Invest on it tonight or something but let's call it a day, yeah?" I told them since I could tell they wanted to rest as they all nodded and kept in it a safe place as we all went into our own rooms, of course after we all locked the windows as well as locking the door so no one will be able to come beside us.

We said our goodnight's as I went into my room to find Ella not there as I physically started freaking out but calm down when I heard the water sound in the bathroom as I deeply sighed and changed my clothes to sweatpants and no shirt as Ella came out and softly smiled at me as I return the smile before walking towards her and back-hugged her.

"I'm sorry it happened to you..." I said quietly as I felt her smile disappear slowly as she turned around to meet my slightly frowned face as I met her face and eyes filled with sadness as I soften my eyes and caressed her cheek softly.

"What's the matter?" I softly said as I rest my forehead on hers, not breaking eye-contact at all as she looks like she was having trouble to say out what she wants to say as I smiled reassuringly to her when she asked me with her soft sweet tone.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

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