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"Better Without It."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I clicked around on the computer, Not exactly having much to do for this period, when I heard the clicking of a keyboard on the other side. 'Who else could be here? The computers weren't booked for any other class.' I thought to myself, leaning to the side to identify the person across from me.

"Rob? Hey." I said at a low volume, not wanting to tick off the librarian.

"Hm? Oh, hey (Y/N). What're you doing here, I thought you had geometry." He said, looking back and fourth between me and his screen. I sat back in my seat and continued searching around the files, to see if I could mess with anything. "Oh, yeah, I sort of... bumped into a friend, and thought 'why not?'." I said, clicking on the internet icon. "You're gonna get in trouble." Rob mumbled. I rolled my eyes, and tilted my chair on two legs. "And you're not?", "hm?" Rob hummed at my statement. "Well, don't you have a class right now too?" I asked, clarifying my snarky remark prior. There was a pause, with a couple of stutters here and there, until he finally found his voice again. "I-I have a free period right now." He said, but by the tone that Rob used, it sounded more like a question.

Not wanting to press further, I decided to change the subject slightly. "So, what do you think's for lunch today?" I asked, putting my chair on all four feet, and messing with the computers settings. "I don't know, but they probably have leftovers." Rob said, making it so that his voice could be heard over the clicking of keys. "What're you doing over there?", "I don't know anymore." Rob said quickly, leaning back in his chair as well. I yawned and nodded my head, leaning it against the palm of my hand, not realizing that I was rubbing the makeup off.

"What's on your face?" Rob asked, I hummed curiously, lifting my head back up. Rob stood up from his chair, and walked over to my side, grabbing a tissue on the desk while he was at it. "What? What's on my face?" I asked, feeling around, and looking at my hand. 'Cheap makeup... cheap makeup is on my face.' I thought to myself, rubbing my thumb and pointer finger together. Before I knew it, Rob was kneeling in front of me, and trying to wipe the makeup off of my face, as I moved my head to avoid the tissue. "C'mon (Y/N), stop moving." Rob said at normal speaking volume, parts of his body glitching out. "Noooo..." I whined, trying to take the tissue out of his hand, and failing, as he would pull his hand back.

"Jus- Stop moving.!" He raised his voice, glitching out aggressively for a short moment. People yelling made me uncomfortable, but I just sighed, and closed my eyes, complying to his demand. "Fine." The feeling of the tissue rubbing against my face wasn't a pleasant feeling, it was rough, and a bit scratchy too, and all it did was make me feel greasy. "There, done!" Rob exclaimed, pulling his hands away. I opened my eyes, and sighed. "Thanks." I said, rubbing my face, and wiping off any leftover makeup on my pants.

"Why were you wearing makeup anyway?" Rob asked, throwing the dirty tissue away. "Well, when you said that I didn't look so good.. I went to see what you meant." Apparently what I said threw Rob into a panic, the parts of static on his face turning to a blue screen, as he waved his hands frantically. "Oh! No, no no! I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was just concerned!" He said quickly. "It's not like you triggered anything, all I did was put on makeup." I said factually, tilting my head.

Rob stood up and walked around to his computer. "You seemed better without it though."He said, sitting down.

"...Oh." I said, awkwardly turning back to my screen.

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