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"Soda Machine."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

After I returned home, I put away the Materials in the basement, took a bath, changed my clothes, and right now I'm sitting at the kitchen table staring at the oven, which held my frozen pizza inside. I was emotionally burned out for the rest of the night, and all I wanted to do was relax. I can't go to school tomorrow, because the heals of my shoes are absolutely demolished, and soaked in oil, which will never EVER come out.

I gently took the pizza out of the oven, and set it on a large cutting board that laid atop the marble counter, But before I could even open any of the drawers to get a cutter for the pizza, there was a frantic knock at my door. I've calmed down since earlier today, so I'm not too inconvenienced by this, so I walked over and opened the main door. There stood the trio from the bus, Rob, Gumball, and Darwin.

"Hello." Rob said sheepishly, giving a slight wave, Gumball and Darwin hiding behind behind him. One thing that caught me off guard, was that Robs voice was noticed deeper, and had some sort of light accent with it. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to ask about the voice." I said, narrowing my eyes, puberty doesn't just work like this. "Its a long story." Rob responded, before I could say that I had time, Darwin interrupted me.

"Yeah, and it's a story that none of us have time for at the moment!" Darwin exclaimed in a panicky tone, making me flinch, what's got him so jittery? I sighed and opened up the screen door, stepping outside onto the porch. "Okay, let's go." I said, flatly.

"How did you kno-." Gumball asked, but I interrupted him before he could finish. Holding my hand up to shut him up, I closed my eyes with my brows furrowed. "It doesn't take a genius to know that one of you did something." And with that, I followed the two brothers, while they pushed Rob to the destination.

Eventually we made it to a worn down construction sight, most likely to be a future office building, or something along those lines. We immediately rushed all the way to the roof top, when we reached the top, my eyes immediately landed on some sort of exposed panel, the wires protruding from the circuit board. Gumball and Darwin stopped pushing Rob, who then ordered the brothers to fix the panel, or in a simple term, cut a wire and pray its the right one. "The yellow one!" Darwin shouted, making Gumball form his fingers like a pair of scissors. He was getting ready to cut the yellow wire, but Darwin stopped him, stating that it would actually be stupid to listen to someone without a diploma, I groaned.

"Darwin was right, the yellow wire is the ground wire, which helps everything run! Cut the yellow wire and the whole mechanical system shuts down!" I shouted, giving Gumball a little more confidence to cut the wire, he nodded back at me and returned his attention back to the wire. "Hurry up, there's only 30 seconds left!" Rob exclaimed, looking down at his watch only to change his mind. "I mean 29. I mean 28. I mean 27. I mean 26. I mean- We Don't have time to lose! 20 seconds!" From that point, Rob began to count down as Gumballs hand got closer to the wires. Suddenly, Gumball reeled his hand back, turning back to us. "I'm sorry guys, I really don't feel like touching live electrical wires with my bare hand." He said in defeat. All of a sudden, the exposed panel started beeping.

"The dam is gonna burst!" Darwin shouted, making me panic on the inside, and a little bit on the outside. 'DAM!?' My thoughts screeched, we were in the midst of literally DESTROYING ELMORE!? "This is where it ends!" Gumball said, his voice cracking just the slightest, is this really where it ends? So early in my life too? "Then it's important you know: I love you." Darwin said, hugging Gumball. Gumball returned the gesture, repeating what Darwin said in return. I walked up to the both of them and hugged them. "You guys made my life interesting, if only for a short time." My voice cracked.

I suddenly felt two arms wrap around all three of us, and looking slightly to my right, it was Rob. "And it's important that you know: I really really really HATE you. Except you." He said the last part gesturing to me, with a small lopsided smile, which quickly disappeared to a panicked and upset expression as he looked at his watch and continued counting down. "And now, we only have 3,2,1.." as we braced for impact, I shut my eyes tightly, but nothing happened. I heard a clunking noise and Gumball suddenly yelled out. "Ow!" I opened my eyes to see Gumball, rubbing his head in pain, and we all let go of each other, stepping away a few feet. I raised and eyebrow, and wiped away the dirt and dust off of the machine, to reveal that it was a soda machine.

"...well this is awkward." Rob said, scratching the back of his head. Darwin piped up with a good question. "Does Elmore even have a dam?" He asked, I thought for a moment before answering. "Not specifically Elmore, but yeah, there is one nearby that could have done just as much damage." I said, crossing my arms. Everyone shared an awkward glance, which turned into a concerned, and worried glance at me. I felt my face heat up in anger, and my eyes stressed out of frustration, I clenched my fists so hard they turned white. "Which one of you is responsible for this?" I asked threateningly, and almost immediately they had all pointed at each other. "So. This was a team effort?" I asked again, narrowing my eyes, they couldn't find a way to react, so they all sighed, and stood in a line, tallest to shortest. I held my hands behind my back as I walked in front of them, the anger never leaving my eyes. "You attempted to sabotage the workings of what you THOUGHT was a dam." I said in a matter of fact tone, scanning my eyes over all of their faces, Darwin mumbled to both me and Gumball. "Mainly Rob.." immediately after that, my gaze snapped at Rob, who's pupil shrunk at the mention of his name. He smiled nervously, holding up his hand for a short second as a short 'hi.' "Well.. it wasn't a dam! So.. no one was harmed!", "it's the thought that counts." I stated grimly, my eyes focusing on none of them after that, just staring at the horizon, as the moon rose in the sky. "But what did YOU TWO have to do with this?" I asked Gumball specifically, he didn't seem to nervous, mainly because whatever he contributed wasn't so bad.

"Well, Rob didn't think he had a place in this world, so we gave him one! He's our mortal enemy now, so this shouldn't be out of character or anything.", "ever heard of a chain effect, pal? You are just as guilty, tut tut.." I shook my head, turning around, and walking away, before walking down the stares, I shouted up to Rob. "This doesn't effect our friendship!" And with that last statement, I went home, to heat up my now cold pizza.

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