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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

After the bell rang, I was picked up by my (P/G). Because it was my first day, it was a half day for me, not only that, but it's Friday! I smiled as I thought about lazing around the house all weekend, maybe do a bit of cleaning, because it's getting out of hand.

"Did you make any new friends today, (Y/N)?" (P/G) asked, momentarily taking their eyes off of the road to look back at me.

"Oh! Yeah, I did, his name is Rob, and-!" Before I could continue, the car stopped, and my face slammed into the back of the passengers seat. "Ooh-! Sorry honey, we're home!" I groaned lightly, and grabbed my tote bag, getting out of the car. "Bye (Y/N)!" (P/G) called out as I opened the front door. (P/G) works two jobs, one being a day shift, and the other being a night shift.

I waved as they pulled out of the driveway, and drove back to work. I immediately put my bag on the floor, and lied down on the couch, turning on the TV, and switching to a podcast channel. I sighed and rolled over, pulling down the blanket on the back of the couch, and draping it over my body. As if on instinct, I knocked out.

⭐️Drèæm tîmę⭐️

It was dark, but there was a bright fog blanketing the ground. It was silent, but I could make out some familiar, grey silhouettes. "Uh, hi." I said, waving lightly, to which the silhouettes paid no mind. They began to whisper to each other, the sound clear as day, but I couldn't understand them. I felt a chilly breeze begin to pick up, dragging my clothes behind me, and drying out my eyes.

"Uhm, hello!?" I said louder, attempting to speak over the sound of the wind. The whispering became louder, to the point where it sounded like shouting, the wind was violent, and the silhouettes became distorted, and warped. I stared on in horror at the sight before me, as the black floor began to crumble. I had stepped on a very unstable part of the ground, which gave out on me. I began falling into a static like area, there were pieces of land floating mid air, distorted objects and creatures from the past occupying the empty space of the air. As I looked a bit closer in the distance, I saw credits of a show rolling through the static.

⭐️Dręæm Êńd⭐️

I gasped, and rolled off of the couch. Breathing heavily; I took in my surroundings. Couch, clock, TV? It's my living room. I calmed down, and looked at the TV to see that a podcast was playing, where people were arguing. I grabbed the Remote, and turned the TV off. Looking around; I noticed that the lights were on, and it was dark out. 'Freaky..'

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