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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I woke up to a cold breeze, softly brushing against my face, making me shiver, and bring my knees up to my chest. I opened my eyes gully, to see that it was early in the morning, and it was raining outside. I just yawned and snuggled up against Rob, trying to gain what little warmth I could.


My face heated up as I realized what was going on, I had fallen asleep against Rob, and he probably fell asleep a moment after. I decided to just relax, and try not to wake him, as it'd be rude, though my face was still burning.

Robs p.o.v

I blinked a couple of times as I woke up to the sound of rain against metal, and I glanced over at the doorway to see that it was pouring out, not to mention it was early in the morning. I honestly liked the sound of rain, it was very soothing, even when it thundered, though lightning was concerning.

I tensed up when I felt something snuggle up against me, initially thinking a stray animal snuck in, until the memory of yesterday swept in, and my face immediately went a blaze, metaphorically of course. Though the situation made me tense, I was a little happy about it, as I had a small crush on (Y/N). I mean- they're funny, nice, they remember my name, they're attractive.. how could I not? Of course they probably have someone else on their mind, but it's nice to think I have a chance, even if it's minuscule. Not wanting to wake them, I relaxed, and closed my eye, waiting for them to wake up on their own.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I should probably wake him before my face catches on fire, I gently shook Robs arm, and spoke.

"Rob?" I gently said, pulling back and sitting up straight, Rob doing the same. I saw the colour bars on his face, which signifies that he was awake before I said anything. "How long have you been awake?" I asked, scratching at my head.

"Only a minute." He said, shrugging, and I nodded. After that, there was silence, and I hugged my knees, looking out at the rain. I not only liked the sound of rain, I liked the feeling of it, it was like a fresher version of a shower, it was just fun to play in, no matter how childish it sounded. I hummed as my phone vibrated, and I took it out of my pocket to see about five texts from (P/G), who was asking me where I was, and if I was okay. I sighed and stood up, stretching my arms, though the pain in my back was great, it wasn't stinging anymore, it was just kind of sore. "I gotta go before (P/G) starts hyperventilating." I said, giving Rob a hug. "Do you need help, because of your back?" He asked, and I shook my head with a smile. "Nah, I'll be fine, thanks for letting me stay over, I'll see ya!" I said, waving goodbye as I walked away, looking up at the sky, and letting the rain hit my face.

When I got home, I shook the water out of my (H/C) hair like a dog, running a hand through the (H/L) strands afterwards. Right after that, I was tackled into a hug, and lifted off of the ground, causing me to freak out and kick me legs. "Down! Put me down!" I said in a panicked tone.

"Where have you been!? I was worried sick!" (P/G) said, patting my wet hair. "I spent the night at a friends, I was too exhausted to try and call." I explained, trying to get down, only to have (P/G) squeeze me tighter, until finally setting me down. "Who?", "his name is Rob, remember?" Right after I responded with that, a coy expression spread across their face, and I grimaced, only to laugh a bit afterwards. "(P/G), I will not have this talk again!" I exclaimed, pushing them playfully as they made a kissy face and leaned towards me. "Come on, you two are cute!" They stated, standing up straight, and ruffling my hair. "You're telling me, that you don't have a crush on him, or anyone?" They asked, raising an eyebrow, and I just stayed silent, shifting in place and looking down, my face turning red again. "Ah-ha! Oh, I knew this day would come, my sweetie has a crush!" (P/G) said, picking me up in a tight hug again, patting my head, suddenly their tone changed to an intimidating aura, scaring me a bit. "If anybody hurts you, I'm busting out the umbrella.." they whispered sinisterly, and I forced a smile. "Don't worry, I'm a strong one." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well, I should hope so, you're a (L/N) after all." (P/G) said, putting me down, and flexing their muscles, a stupid smirk on their face. "So you have a day off today?" I asked, hoping the answer was a yes. "Yeah, the power went out, and it can't be fixed til next week." They said, a little glimmer in their eyes at the thought of a break. "Speaking of power outage, I put candles on the coffee table, our transformer blew out." (P/G) stated, walking into the kitchen to gather all the food. We have an ice box in the basement, and we only use it when the power goes out, to make sure that the food in the fridge and freezer doesn't spoil.

"Soo.. how long have you and Rob been friends?" (P/G) asked as we put away the food, making me groan. "I thought we dropped thiiiisss!" I belted out, causing (P/G) to laugh. "Haha, I'm kidding! Cmon, let's go get some drawing supplies, our phones won't last." (P/G) said, guiding me back up the stairs to look through the cabinets for pens and papers.

"More of a (Y/N) and (P/G) centered chapter than anything, but I like it."

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