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"The Spinoffs."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I stopped talking to Timmy when I saw Rob turning on the camera, we were doing a public access kind of thing, instead of focusing on Gumball and Darwin, we would put on different shorts with other people in Elmore. 'We May have done that before.' I thought to myself, as Rob began talking.

"Your program has been interrupted. With the help of my friends, (Y/N), and the internet, I'm hereby hijacking this broadcast. People of the world, you don't need that false hero! Please enjoy this amazing world! Without Gumball! Trust me it's much better." Rob said, putting the VHS into the VCR, as I shook my head with a grin on my face.

"This won't end well." I whispered to him, as the VHS began to play. "Trust me, it will." He responded, on the screens, we saw a live action sock puppet dance begin to play. Rob had a shocked look on his face, and I laughed. "If this is any clue as to what this'll be like.." I mumbled, to which Rob shushed me and grabbed the remote, going over to stop the TV. "What? What is that?" He asked Timmy, yeah, the internet has a name, and it's Timmy.

"Well, I'm the internet, it's kind of what I do." Timmy responded, making me shrug and close my eyes. "You're not the only one who clickbaits, Timmy." I said, pointing to some thumbnails on videos that were ridiculous. "Wha-uh." Rob sighed, switching the TV source to VHS. "Let's just run the tape." He continued, as the tape began to play again, beginning with a short based off Banana Joes life, I rolled my eyes and turned away from the screens. "Jeezum, that family is weird." I mumbled, checking the time on my phone, before putting it in my pocket. "Yeah, but he's interesting, and people may actually enjoy him, so who knows." Rob said to me, making me chuckle. "Yeah, Yeah." It didn't take long for the program to switch to Bobert's cooking show, I don't even know what was in between the two programs mentioned, but it was Tina's turn before Bobert. "This is just one big comedy." I said, making a square with my thumbs and pointer fingers at the TV, as Felicity began having some sort of panic attack, somethings different about her, oh it's the extra hand. EXTRA HAND?! My eyes widened at the sight, she literally just grew an extra hand. "Or horror." I corrected myself, as Felicity was force fed the weird salad that Bobert made, but she didn't seem disgusted, so maybe it was good.

"I promise, if it's not good now, it should get better." Rob said reassuringly, putting a hand on my shoulder, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Who're you trying to convince?", "Yes." Rob said immediately, the smile on his face seeming forced. I pat his hand gently, and continued watching what was on, to see those two tennis guys, the show they had was called 'Techno Power Teenage Warriors.' It sounds like a rip-off, but I won't say anything. Carlton seemed to be trying to move the plot point, but kept getting interrupted by Troy, and commercial breaks. "Awe, he's trying his best." I said softly. Just then I got a phone call, it was from a Tobias, I covered my other ear from the noise, as I put the phone up, and walked away from Timmy and Rob. "Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey, I wanna be in the program!" He exclaimed, making me silently groan. "Really? Last minute?", "what's happening?" Rob asked, walking up to me, as I covered the microphone. "Tobias wants to be in the program." I whispered, so there wasn't a chance that Tobias could eavesdrop. Rob sighed, and smacked his hand against his forehead at the news. "Ugh, Okay, but tell him it has to be live." He said, to which I relayed the information to the indecisive jock, hearing him cheer in the background for only a second, before ending the call and leaving Timmy's house with Rob. "I can't believe he'd change his mind on such short notice!" Rob exclaimed, as we boarded the bus to Joyful burger. I nodded in agreement, taking a seat by the window as Rob ranted on about how important scheduling is for TV programs, and I contacted William about the program, to which he agreed to show up, as he was already close by the set.

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