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"Flower Boy."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I looked down at the dirt that I had recently planted a pumpkin seed in, feeling neutral, as I'm okay with planting stuff, but I'm more of an action person. I looked over at Rob, who was planting watermelon seeds, as I picked at small (F/C) flowers on the ground. I was gathering them up in one hand, and picking them with the other, now what was I gonna do with them?
Well, I don't have a vase, I can't re-plant them at my house.

Shoot, I don't even know how to make a flower crown, so I have them in my hand, but nothing to do! I looked between my bundle of flowers, and Rob, a small mischievous smile spreading across my face. I quietly walked towards him, holding my hands of flowers out above his head. I silently, and casually dropped them on his head.

"Hey-! What the-?!" Rob sat up straight, quick shaking off the flowers. "Why did you..?" He trailed off, examining the small petals. I sat on my knees behind him, and rested my chin on his head.

"I don't know how to make a flower crown, so I thought I'd do this instead." I stated flatly. Rob chuckled, and shifted so that we were sitting down and facing each other, and I laughed. "You look nice." I complimented, as Rob continued to dust the flowers off himself. He picked up a fully bloomed flower, and stared at it for a second, before looking at me, and speaking. "Hey, close your eyes real quick." He said, to which I began joking with him. "You're not gonna punch me are you?" I asked, chuckling. "What? No, just- please?", "Okay Okay, no pranks though." I responded, closing my eyes gently. My eyebrows rise slightly, as I felt Rob place something behind my left ear, when he pulled his hand away, I took that as my cue to open my eyes. It didn't take a genius to know that he put a flower behind my left ear, all I could do in that moment was chuckle and look away, my face heating up instantly. "Thanks, flower boy." I teased, to offset the embarrassment. "Hey!" He lightly punched me in the arm, Colourbar-ing again, as I just laughed.

"So, anything interesting happen with the void lately?" Rob asked, attempting to change the topic. While I'm certainly okay with changing the topic, nothings happened with the void yet, so there's not much to change to. "No, not really. Some new products showed up in the void, but they're fairly new, so they're not as interesting compared to the older things." I said back, leaning back on my hands a bit. "That's good, in a way. Are you just gonna keep going back forever?", "I don't know, maybe? It's not really a job, but it seems too important to quit, if I can quit." I stated, tilting my head up, as clouds passed by pretty fast, the wind picking up. This signified That summer was almost over, leaves were already falling off of their trees, but it was still summer, which means that the weather will be unpredictable. "I wish it'd be fall forever.." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "What about spring?" Rob asked, making my nose twitch at the thought of spring. "The pollen makes me sneeze a lot." I commented, scratching my nose. "Kinda why I stay in home a lot more during that time." I continued, shifting to sit on my knees again. "Is that also why they call you homesch-?", "(N/N.)" I interrupted, looking off to the side, as my eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "I like (N/N) better." I said, looking down at the grass that was trapped between my fingers, a blush spreading across my face. Only (P/G) and Rachael would call me (N/N) as a kid, but as we grew up, the nickname kinda dropped.

"Hm.. I like it." Rob stated, making me smile. "Me too, but it's been years since I was called that, so don't be surprised if I don't catch it at first." I warned, pointing a finger at him. Rob held his hands up in defense, a goofy smile on his face. "Duly noted." The rest of our time was spent talking about what he was planning to do with all these other seed packets, and me occasionally changing the topic when it got boring. When the sun started setting, I stood up, stretching as the feeling of pins and needles pricked at my legs. "I need to get going, I'm thinking of actually cooking dinner tonight." I said, gently kicking my legs to gain its feeling back. I jumped a bit, as Rob suddenly scrambled to stand up. "I-I can walk you home, if you want!" I stood there for a moment, contemplating the offer. "I mean.. If you want to, I don't wanna make you walk back and fourth.." I said nervous, poking my two pointer fingers together, and looking off to the side. "Oh, it's no problem. You wanna go now?", "Uh, yeah let's go now." I responded, putting my hands in my pockets as we walked side by side to my house.

When we reached my house, we said our goodbyes at the steps, and I went inside, looking for a small glass to put the flower on my left ear in. It didn't take long, before I decided on a short drinking glass, filling it up with water and placing the (F/C) plant in it. It won't last long, but it'll last longer than it would if it was out of water. I know I said that I planned on actually cooking, but when the time arrived to actually cook, I changed my mind, and decided on a microwaveable pizza pocket.

"There's a significance to the placement of the flower, if you can figure it out, than congrats, you did your research."

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