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"But who?"

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sighed as I emptied out my backpack in the floor, sitting through doodle papers, and homework papers, throwing away the latter. After a lot of arguing, and guilt tripping myself, I've decided to go back to homeschool, mainly for (P/G)'s sake, because they keep using up their work hours to pick me up and drop me off at school. I found a free online school, that seemed pretty reliable.

I smiled as (P/G) kissed the side of my head, and rushed out of the house to get to work, I had to remind myself that this was mainly for them, and it's better, besides, I could always go to school, at the school. I got a phone call, obviously from Rob, who else at this point?

"Hey (Y/N), where are you?" He asked, the chatter of other students in the hallway echoing in the background, causing me to instinctively cover my other ear.

"I'm at school." I said, a smile on my face, there was a pause, which meant the Rob was checking. "No you're not!" He exclaimed, making me laugh. "What're you talking about, you don't see me?" I asked, stifling a laugh. "No, I know you're not here (Y/N)!" He said again, sounding a bit frustrated. I busted out laughing, and held the speaker away for a moment, probably concerning Rob, because he was calling my name worriedly through the phone, I brought it back to my ear. "I know, I know! I mean I'm at homeschool!", "What? Again? Why?" He asked curiously, as I went over to the stove to make some soup. "(P/G)'s been running out of hours for work lately, so I thought staying home would help. But don't say anything to them about it, they'll try to lecture me about my needs over theirs." I said, sitting at the kitchen table waiting for the soup to heat up. "Oh, that's actually-." Before Rob could finish his sentence, I heard the ear piercing sound of the metal bell in the background. "Oof! Guess you gotta get to class, I'll talk to you later, Rob.", "I actually don-... yeah talk to you later." He said before hanging up, I put my phone face down on the table, as I went over to the couch and pulled out my laptop from under it. Time for another fresh start..

I groaned as my eyelids felt very heavy, I thought I was gonna pass out, what time was it anyways? Ugh.. I can't be bothered to check, I have one last assignment, just a few more characters aannd.. "done!" Right after I said that, I passed out in my laptop, automatically closing the lid.


Oh.. I'm back. I huffed, pushing myself off of the ground, I felt awful, like a train hit me. I looked at my hand to see that it had the untreated gash in it, and there was blood dripping from my nose. 'I guess it's like a save file.' I thought to myself looking around, wiping the blood on my pants. "Why am I here?" I asked, hoping that somebody, anybody would answer me, I heard nothing, but it felt like the void was trying to explain. "Am I a mistake? Why do I keep coming back?!" I shouted, upset. I heard the void say something, but... but it didn't. It didn't say anything. My eyes strained to hold back frustrated tears, as I looked down at my feet, mumbling. "I can't keep wondering.. I need an answer."

I just heard faint whispers, it seemed that the void was really trying to tell me, I just slowly shook my head. "A-am I looking for someone!?" I suddenly asked, the void went silent, before the sound of a bell rang, confirming my suspicions. 'But.. but who?'

"I'm going to have to cut it off there, I thought I'd be able to make this over 1000 words, but my left... arm? Shoulder? It's in between. It hurts like hell, I got three shots in the same arm and well, as fate would have it, I'm now in a lot of pain, and probs sick, but I'll try some methods to make it better. Until then, If you have any suggestions for filler chapters, please say in the comment section, or Message me, either way is fine, also, there'll be two versions of who you're looking for. Ttyl geekers!"

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