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"It's okay."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

"Rob, it'll be okay, just press the button!" I screamed, (P/G) roughly grabbing my arm and yanking me back towards them. "Please!" I called out with desperation, struggling to break free from (P/G)'s almost iron grip.

"I can't do it if it means you'll cease to exist too!" Rob exclaimed, glitching frequently and violently. I saw his eye gloss over with tears, breaking my heart, only to become angry right after that.

"Oh, what a predicament, what will he do?" (P/G) mocked, causing me to growl. "Tell you what, put the keyboard down, kick it over, and I'll let you both go, it'll be like nothing happened." (P/G) Bargained, their grip on my arm tightening as to not let me go. This was a trick that I knew all too well. "Don't..." I whispered quietly, shaking my head. Rob looked between me and the keyboard, contemplating his choice. He closed his eye, signaling that he made his decision, and I gasped when he gently set the keyboard down onto the ground. "No! No no no no, pick it up, you need to end this!" I cried, struggling more as (P/G) wrapped their arm around me tightly, the other one reaching up to cover my mouth. "Okay, first step down, now kick it ov-!" (P/G) was cut off by the sound of breaking plastics, and splitting wires. Rob had stomped on the keyboard, breaking it to pieces, and sending many keys off in random directions. I coughed as I heard a cracking noise, and a sharp pain shot through my ribs. I looked down, to see the arm wrapped around me was digging into me, cracking ribs, and possible damaging organs. "You little runt!" (P/G) screeched, digging their fingers into my side, and outstretching their arm to dangle me over the edge. I saw (P/G) beginning to violently glitch out.

Immediately I was dropped, and Rob had jumped after me, making my eyes widen slightly. When he caught up to me, he wrapped me in a final embrace, and knowing that it was final, made tiny tears fall from my eyes. I hugged Rob back, waiting to feel the cold wind of the night against my back, as we fall down back to the earth. However I never got that feeling, instead I got the feeling of warm air around me. A sense of relief flooded my senses in more than one way, as all the physical pain was beginning to fade into nothing. My arms around Rob had loosened, and I leaned my head back. Little droplets of blood, and small shards of glass left my face, floating out into the open air for all but a few seconds, disappearing afterwards. My arm and ribs were restored, but I wasn't sure how the bruises would be after this. My vision had begun fading to black, as I felt myself glitch out, the last thing I saw was Rob's panicked expression, as he called my name.

Rob's p.o.v

I felt panic rise up as (Y/N)'s expression changed to a neutral, calm expression, and their eyes filled to a light grey. Whatever was happening, I didn't like it. I called out (Y/N)'s name, as we began to glitch in and out of existence.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I gasped as I sat up straight in my... in my couch? I looked around at my current surroundings, and noticed things were noticeably different, like the couch was very colorful, and there were tiny plastic succulents sitting atop different surfaces, like the TV, coffee table, and TV stand. Was this even my house? Wait, I need to check something! I quickly got up, and ran up the stairs, opening every door to check the rooms inside. Nowhere did I see (P/G) and a wave of relief washed over me, making me smile softly. I still had stuff to do though, so I calmly walked down the stairs, getting ready to put on shoes in order to leave. There was a knock on my door, and I walked over, opening it to see Rob with a nervous smile on his face.

He looked very different, but after what just happened, who else would be showing up at my door? Rather than having a polygonal look to him, Rob's features were softer and round, his skin was teal, and his hair was a light hazel color, also being medium length at best. His clothes were relatively the same, save for the orange sleeves. I silently stepped aside to let him in, and closed the door behind him. I went over and turned on a floor lamp, the soft and warm glow Illuminating the entire room. The both of us sat on the couch in silence, leaning against each other as the crickets chirped outside in the cold grass. "Do you... wanna talk about it?" He asked me, hesitant. I paused for a moment, before shaking my head. "No... no I think it's best to put this on the back burner." I mumbled, furrowing my eyebrows and twiddling my thumbs. 'Now what do I do? It's gone be a while before I can mentally recover from all this.' I thought to myself, the corners of my mouth going downwards to a frown.

"(Y/N) has gotten the achievement: PTSD. Nah but seriously, this might be it, imma do another chapter where I just showcase the art that I draw for each chapter."

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