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"The Void."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sighed as I crawled up into my bed for the night, with it being a school night and all. I set my alarm for an earlier time, so that I could find a better pair of shoes to wear into school, or I could just stay home, but I've got a perfect record so far, I can't break it. I sigh, and roll over in my sheets, ultimately facing the blandly painted wall. I began to drift off, my thoughts wandering here, and there, until I finally fell into the warm arms of slumber.

⭐️ E̢͏n͘͘͜t̢e̸̡͜r̶i̸̛͝ņģ̢͟ ̷̢͘thè ̷̀V̨͢o̧i̶̢d͘ ⭐️

My eyes snapped open to the harsh feeling of cold tile against my skin, and I stood up immediately, taking in the now familiar sight. I groaned, sleeping was the one thing I was looking forward to doing today, and I can't even do that. I sighed at the uncomfortable feeling of cold air creeping up my spine, I should've dressed warmer to bed, but I wasn't fully conditioned to being here yet.

I walked to the edge of the unearthed chunk of tiled floor, looking down into the bright infinity that was below me. 'No where else to go.' I thought, looking back up at another chunk of earth, the smooth part of the platform was facing me in such a way, that makes me think I could... 'no.. yes, yeah I'm gonna jump.' I shortly debated in my head, backing away from the edge in order to get some speed in the jump. As one foot was placed in front of the other, I felt myself accelerate drastically, like a full on sprint. The sound of my feet against the floor pounded my eardrums, but maybe that's just my heartbeat about to give out? Before the coward in me could turn back, I was off of the first platform for a couple seconds, making me think that I was falling to the Nothingness below me, but I felt relieved when I quickly landed onto the next platform face first.

I groaned as I lifted my body off of the ground, and looked at the platform I was on, there was a bus stop sign, with something carved over the paint. I walked up to the sign, and grazed my fingers along the roughly carved letters, eventually reeling my hand back, and shaking off the chipped paint. 'VOID.' The sign read in all caps. I had heard of the Void many times, but it was only a theory that this place exists, and now knowing where I am, the roughly carved sign was eerie in my eyes.

I looked around at all of the objects floating amongst the static, the only thing these items have in common is that they're all... Mistakes...

⭐️ E̡x̶i͘t̷in̷̨҉g ̀͜t́͡h͘e̛ ̛͞V̷͞o͠i̵d̛͘͝ ̀͞͠⭐️

I jolted upwards, only to see the same bland ceiling that my room held everyday, I was home, but It was freezing, however, so I curled up into a tight ball, and attempted to keep myself warm. Going to the void never happens twice in the same day, I'll be sleeping for real this time, and I'll feel a little more safe. I immediately knocked out again, drifting off into the SAFER, comforting arms of rem sleep.


I sighed as I just stirred around my cereal, I wasn't in the best of moods today, but I'm still up for some cool activities if they happen, The only shoes I could manage to find among the post apocalyptic mess that is my room were sandals, and I don't even think they're mine. I brought my special keytar with me in my tote bag, though it did make me empty out all of my binders, besides, I don't plan on going to any classes today, I don't think the librarian will mind!

'RRRIIINNNGGG!!!' The ear piercing sound of the red steel bell startled me, I sighed and dumped my tray, a bit disappointed in myself for not eating breakfast this morning. I immediately made a B line towards the library, which was obviously empty, as it was first period, and no class had booked these computers for projects. I knew none of these books would tell me about THE Void, and simply give me the definition of the word itself, so I took to the computers. I yawned, as the only sound that could be heard throughout the library was the ticking of a clock, the tapping of keys, and the clicking of my mouse. After logging in, I heard the entrance door open up behind me, Making me tense up, thinking that a teacher had searched for me, and finally caught me.

I slowly did a one eighty, and let out a breath that I didn't know I held, it was just Rob again.

"You give me anxiety sometimes, ya know that?" I asked playfully, turning back to the bright screen with only one icon in the middle of it.

"I could say the same thing about you." He said, sitting at the computer across from me, again. "How so?" I asked curiously, not remembering the events from yesterday, that I so desperately tried to repress the memories of, and that's when I suddenly remembered my anger nearly breaking through my shell. "Oh.! Yeah, sorry about that." I said, shaking my head. "It's okay, I suppose I deserved it." Rob said, typing his username and password into the computer. "Do you... like your new voice?" I asked, leaning over to look at him, while raising an eyebrow. "Hm? Oh, well I'm.. indifferent about it, don't you like it?" Rob asked me, leaning over as well, I looked down at my keyboard and sat upright in my seat again. "I... no, no not really, I liked your old voice." After I said that we both fell silent, and I finally selected the actual internet icon.

I usually voice out what I'm typing because it seems to go better when I do that, but for everyone's sake, I kept my voice to myself. 'What is the void?' I thought to myself, as I typed the same question into the search bar. As soon as I hit the 'Enter' key, the computer began glitching out, pixels misplacing, the speakers malfunctioning, and probably twelve viruses were downloaded, I panicked, and grabbed the keyboard, lifting it up and aggressively pressing backspace, which actually fixed my problem. 'It's like it doesn't WANT me to know.' My mind said, as I gently set the keyboard back down on the desk.

"Is everything okay, (Y/N)?" Rob asked, I rubbed my eyes, turning the computer back off as to not cause anymore problems. "Just a little.. search engine problem.", "What were you trying to search?" I froze up at that question, I'm not letting anybody know, because it's most likely that they won't understand. "Shakespeare quotes, besides shut up."

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