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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

The day started like every other day, nothing special, no texts, nothing. I sighed as I sat on my swivel chair, logging onto my schools website, and beginning my assignments. (P/G) had recently quit their job, and I couldn't be happier for them! They always seemed so stressed, but they somehow managed to make room for me when they could. I paused my typing when I felt a wave of emotion flood through me, but I shook my head and continued typing away. I sighed as I got stuck on a question, eyebrows furrowing in frustration as I pondered what the answer could be. I didn't have much time to think, as another wave of emotions hit me, and I got a headache. I closed my laptop, and rubbed my temples, why am I feeling all these things? There was a loud ringing in my ears as my headache got significantly worse, and I closed my eyes tightly, grabbing at the sides of my head. Suddenly, the headache stopped, as well as the ringing, and I opened my eyes to see that I was back at that new void place, the stars were dim though, and it was colder than usual. What am I doing here? Why so suddenly? As I asked myself these questions, I noticed a particularly dim star slowly float towards me, and I stared at it as it got closer.

"Uh..." I let out a noise of confused hesitance, but I didn't do anything to stop it from getting closer. I didn't move back, I didn't try to push the star away, I just stayed still, watching it. The dim star slowly came to a stop, and I let out a shaky breath, the cold air finally getting to me. Suddenly, the dim star shot towards me, and went through my chest, particularly where my heart was located. I peeled back in shock, and a little bit of pain, as I wasn't expecting that to happen. Why did it..? The wave of emotions came back, and it was more intense, but that wasn't all.

Memories began to flash in my head, causing me to gasp, and my eyes to tear up. I remembered everything... when I met Rob, when we became friends, when he tried to destroy Gumball at the mall... everything... I didn't know that I'd forgotten, I never thought I'd forget him. It's been days since I last contacted Rob, how could I forget so easily? Where could he be? I should've stayed with him, maybe this wouldn't have happened then. But... but what if-?

I was suddenly sent back to my room, everything being untouched while I was in the galaxy like void. Tears were still running down my cheeks, and I stood up fast, clasping my hands together in a pleading manner. "W-wait! T-take me bac-ck! I n-need to go back!" I exclaimed, slightly looking up at the ceiling. The silence was eerie, and I sighed when I didn't even get a small bell sound as response. I went over, and opened my door, only to gasp in surprise, as (P/G) was already standing there. The smile on their face was quickly replaced with a frown when they saw my face, as I still had some stray tears falling from my (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N), is everything oka-.", "please move." I quickly interrupted, a rushed tone lacing my voice. I need to go and see if Rob's shack was still there at least, but a part of me had a feeling. (P/G) looked at me shocked, and didn't say anything. "Wha- why, is everything okay?" They asked, a fake, concerned look on their face. "I need to go out for a bit, now please move." I said, a little more sternly this time. "Woah, woah woah, what is up with you?" (P/G) asked, offended by my tone of voice. Not wanting to stay here any longer, I pushed past them, and rushed downstairs, slipping on my sandals. Before I could open the door, (P/G) grabbed my arm, and I turned around to glare at them. "Tell me why you're acting this way. I just want to know." (P/G) stated, their stern voice turning into a soft one towards the end. "You should already know, you were so interested in the subject beforehand!" I exclaimed, ripping my arm out of their grip, and rushing out of the house.

I was out of breath by the time I reached Rob's shack, or rather... where it should be. Everything was gone, the garden that Rob and I worked on, everything was wiped clean, and it was as if nobody was here in the first place. "Oh that's messed up, I worked hard on that." I stated bluntly, slightly looking up at the sky, where the exit to the void would usually be. 'Well now what? I can't go back to my own house, (P/G) with an attitude is like a lion with a temper. I need to stay with a friend until night comes.' I thought to myself, a list of friends scrolling in my mind. Immediately I thought of Rachael, she'd usually be home around this time, but Tobias would too. I think Rachael will protect me from his bad pick up lines. I nodded to myself, and turned around, heading to said friends house.

When I knocked on the door, Rachael was the first one to open up, and I smiled. "Hey, Ray, could I stay here until like- ten?" I asked hesitantly, as I looked off to the side.

"Hey (Y/N), Yeah I'm fine with it, my parents are out on a 'date day' so I'm in charge." Rachael responded, with a sarcastic smile on her face as she rolled her eyes when saying 'date day'. As I walked inside, I wondered how I was gonna plan this out. I needed to get to the void, and I needed something to protect me, as I felt that this wouldn't be like my normal void visits.

"I've Never heard snow thunder be so loud, it's insane. Also, wattpad glitches on me and published the unfinished version."

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Where stories live. Discover now